When is the last time you ate at Waffle House?

It’s been too long, almost a decade.

Overpriced? Really? Because when I go, which used to be every other weekend or so, I could get out paying about $8-9, and that was with the tip. I usually get an omelette and a drink. That’s cheaper then the IHOP or other such places I’ve been to.

I don’t think I’ve been in a few months, but I do go a few times a year at least. It’s always packed in the morning.

Ate at my first one in (probably) Tennessee on my way across the country. It will be my last. It was barely food, in my opinion. I-Hop is a step up, although it is still an industrial-food experience.

Ihop seems to be getting better though (was there a shake up in upper management?).

Heck, even their plate presentation is impressive considering the restaurant.

Mine was around 2010 or so, driving up from Georgia. I don’t remember what I had, so that means it was acceptable fare.

I only remember it because of a young couple with a toddler who were there. I amused the parents to no end by asking the toddler her opinion of the Obama administration.

Yeah, overpriced based on what you actually get for the money. Poor food value if I’m to be precise. A typical WH breakfast is quite simple for me to replicate at home for a fraction of the cost and with better quality. This is naturally true for many restaurants but WH seems worse than most by this metric.

They’re fast, convenient, most have rock star level coffee and they’re still nice to you no matter how drunk you are when you need your 3AM hash brown fix. I’ll keep going to WH when the mood strikes and I get tired of the blood just racing through my arteries.

I’ve never been, though I see them all over (Memphis, Mid-South area).
But I did hear of this curious metric during Hurricane Michael? coverage:

ETA: punctuation

It’s South Carolina, man. I think I’m required to in the state constitution.

None in my area but I’ve stopped at them a couple of times while traveling. As others have said, it’s not great food but it’s relatively cheap and sometimes it’s in the right location when I’m looking for a meal.

For me it would have been late August 2016 in Kansas City, MO. After a 10 hour drive to get there from Dearborn (because my North American travel profile hadn’t been set up and I couldn’t fly), it was the only thing open near my hotel that wasn’t Wendy’s or a redneck bar.

It was just like I’d remembered it from the previous time I’d eaten at a Waffle House, which would have been in Augusta, GA, in 1991.

Here in Alabama and in Florida where I grew up, Waffle Houses abound.

When I was in high school, it was a regular late night hang out location.

These days, I take my kids there for breakfast every now and then. I’ll agree with the posters who said it is a bit overpriced.

I haven’t had Waffle House in at least a decade, but occasionally I’ll have hankerings/fantasies about their double-waffles. Somehow my memory tells me they were just amazing… but I think it’s likely that I’d be disappointed if I do actually come across one again.

Ditto. I can’t be sure I ever did.

Now George Webb, THAT I remember!

September 2017, in Tennesee. We don’t have them around here but I do enjoy a WH visit when travelling.
I don’t get those saying they’re overpriced. It’s a pretty reasonable cost for a hot plate of food. Waffle House is a place I wind up tipping far above the customary 15-20% since that would usually amount to a tip less than $2 which is just insulting for full service at a counter.

Lol@ ‘I can make it cheaper and better at home.’

About 18 years ago.

I was interviewing at a research lab. My host picked me up at the motel in the morning. Drove several miles to a Waffle House. Drove me back to the motel to pick up my presentation stuff, etc. Then on to the lab.

I just kept quiet about the Waffle House right next to the parking lot of the motel.

FtGKid2 worked as a cook at a Waffle House years ago. One of the 9/11 hijackers apparently had been a customer there.

Not quite true: there are a couple in the St. Louis area, on the Illinois side of the border.

Probably 2002, on a roadtrip somewhere south of Chattanooga. It was okay I guess…don’t remember anything about it other than mentally checking off the “I’ve been to a Waffle House now” box.

Once in 2002 for twenty minutes. That was on my one and only visit to Atlanta. It was OK but I haven’t been back because they don’t have any locations near me.

I ate at one the last time I was in Georgia, which was 2003.

Never? I think?

I’ve been to Denny’s and IHOP many times, but have never gone there to my recollection. That’s probably because it’s farther away than the others. The closest one is about a half hour away and the others are much closer.