Who are your "Freebies" and who are your "MILF"'s

My “Freebies” (women I can sleep with and my girlfriend can’t get mad)
Michelle Kwan
Mariah Carey
Jarah Mariano
Eva Mendes
America Ferrera

My "MILF"s (“Moms I’d Like to F*&%”)
Jessica Alba
Brooke Burke
Kimora Lee Simmons
Kiana Tom
Catherine Zeta-Jones

I know that Jessica Alba had a kid but I really think classifying her as a MILF is just sorta missing the plot entirely. She’s as hot as she’s ever been and she still looks young. The draw of the MILF is that she looks like a hot older lady, Jessica Alba, while hot, doesn’t look old enough to be your best buddy’s mom unless your best buddy is two years old.

Guess i interpret “MILF” too literally.

I always thought MILF was when your kids contemporaries want to fuck you, they’ve gotta be junior high at least.

Your girlfriend won’t be mad that you raped these women? I’m guessing they won’t do you willingly.

Where do I COME CLOSE to implying it’s rape? Please SHOW ME in my OP!

He’s implying that you’re a loser who’d never be able to fuck those women unless you were raping them.

That’s what I took from it, anyway.

OK, that makes sense. I admit, I’m not God’s gift to women!

Neither am I. He’s just bitter that you’re going to have a threesome with your gf and Jessica Alba.

High-five, brah!

Since this is more or less celeb-driven, I’m going to move it to Cafe Society.

Oh, and Zebra

– don’t be an asshole.


twickster, MPSIMS moderator

I concur that a MILF is not just any woman who’s had a child. A MILF is a woman who is old enough to be your mother. As a ballpark figure, a MILF is 15 to 40 years older than you. Older than that and she’s entering GILF territory.

I’m not allowed any.

In spirit it means “woman of your mothers generation that’s still bangable”. Now a days people use it on any female who has managed to procreate.

Yeah, people like me! :wink:

That’s definitely too restrictive, and subjective. I understand that different people have different feelings about different people, but it shouldn’t vary just because the person saying it is in a different age bracket.

If it’s not restrictive then what’s the point of the discussion?

Jessica Alba is nine years younger than me and at the height of her feminine beauty, which is very high indeed. There’s nothing interesting about me saying “I’d like to screw Jessica Alba” because it goes without saying that any straight male would want to. It’s more interesting to ask me what women I’d screw who’re at least 15-20 years older than me.

IMNSHO, saying that it is someone of your mother’s generation (and usually used by a person younger than me) separates it from simply ‘mature’, which is in my current age bracket.

Like Lanzy, I’m not allowed any.

If I were, my list of freebies would be Moon Bloodgood, Dichen Lachman, Sofía Vergara. I’m not aware of any 65+ year old who would make my list (unless it is for $$$).

It’s relative to your own age as well. The rule as I see it is she’s got to be old enough to be your mom. Thus, a 40-year-old with a teenage kid doesn’t count unless you yourself are a teenage kid. And if you’re 40, a hot 20-year-old with a baby is absolutely not a MILF!!!

As for my list of “freebies”:
Halle Berry
Scarlett Johanssen
Sofia Vergara
Mila Kunis

In the interest of fairness, my wife has a list too; it includes Ryan Reynolds, Jason Bateman, Jason Segal, and I’m not sure who else. We both keep changing them.

What would be the point of the whole MILF concept if someone with an infant qualifies? All that means, age-wise, is that they’re old enough to reproduce, and most folks are only attracted to people old enough to reproduce, anyway.

I don’t have an SO, but if I did, my “list” would probably consist mostly of fictional characters. Laugh if you like, but I figure my chances of getting it on with Elastigirl or Dr. Susan Calvin are approximately the same as the OP’s chances with Eva Mendes.

Ever since the Friends episode, my wife asked me for my list of 5:

Lucy Lawless
Angelina Jolie
Joan Jett
Ally Sheedy