Who is the Voice of Your Robot House?

Paul Frees, or Kath Soucie. (Probably Mr. Frees with the “Colossus” vocoder, for when I’m in a bad mood.)

Of course, I can pretty much get Roger Moore (under “Charles”) right off the shelf, if time or price is a problem.

Sophia Loren, Grace Kelly, Kate Beckinsale, or Julie Delphy.

James Gandolfini doing the Tony Soprano NJ-ish vaguely threatening thing for the security system. Motion activated, the kids would definitely stay off the lawn.

Inside, John Cleese.

Samuel L. Jackson.
"You did NOT just track mud into my just vacuumed carpet!"

"Wake the fuck up motherfucker, this ain’t no time to be snoozin’!

I think it would scare me into being a better person.

Wentworth Miller
Kiefer Sutherland
Billy West doing various Futurama incarnations

Billy West as Skeets!

Hmm. At first I thought Alan Rickman was a great idea until I realized how this would actually play out: Alan would speak to me, and I’d be overcome by a wave of sexual arousal, unable to conduct a single mundane task around the house. The situation could get desperate pretty quickly.

It’s better if I get the Hal9000 voice.

Exactly what I was going to say. Darn you to heck. :stuck_out_tongue:

Norman Lovett - the original Holly from Red Dwarf.

Johnny Cash.

“I’m sorry. I suppose you didn’t hear me. I said your toast is ready, SIR.”

Patrick Stewart.

Amy already does a great job of telling me when I have email; I might as well just expand her duties rather than get someone else.

“I killed a (insert your choice here; door to door salesman, religious proselyte, kid on lawn) in (Sydney, Memphis, Little Rock) just to watch him die.”

Weekend computer voice: Pauly Shore

All other times: Generic BBC female reporter or Nigella Lawson (I just DIG a female British accent, It’s a holdover from an experience in my college days! Mmm…)

With **James Earl Jones ** as a backup for when the mood is really really serious.

One of these things
Is not like the others

I don’t really care who - just a cultured, hot British guy.

It’s a toss-up between Yoko Ono and Gilbert Gottfried.

I need to get out of the house more.

I think most of you are going about this wrong. CairoCarol and OtakuLoki have the right idea. See, my initial thought was: Carla Gugino! I’d love having Carla Gugino talk to me all day and all night. But then I realized, hey, I wouldn’t actually get anything done. Not only would I be sorely distracted from important tasks by hearing Carla Gugino’s voice, I would almost certainly procrastinate from those tasks just so I could hear the reminder again. “Come on, Carla. Tell me to change the light bulb in the hallway. Oh yeah. And the wet clothes in the washing machine that need to be moved to the dryer. Give me an order. Tell me what to do. Mmm. Okay, just one more time…”

Seems to me that you want a voice that you want to shut up because it would motivate you to take care of things so you don’t have to fucking hear it again.

So: George Bush.

I’d have the cleanest, best-organized house on the planet.

Good point.

Then my house would have to use **Mr. Rogers ** or **Bob Ross ** as the voice. “Can you pick up your dirty socks? Sure you can. Isn’t life better when we pick up after ourselves?”

:dubious: Then I’d be reduced to buying a gun and shooting the speakers to get it to stop.