Who should get Glenn Beck's spot on Fox News Channel?

Assuming that this article isn’t an April Fool’s joke that somehow got delayed by five days, it looks like there will soon be an open spot in the Fox New Channel lineup. The question then becomes, who is capable of filling Beck’s shoes?

I think Bob Dornanwould be a good choice.

Keith Olbermann


Phyllis Diller

Charlie Sheen

“The Fox(es) View” with Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, and Anne Coulter.

Inanimate carbon rod.


A box of Summer’s Eve or Massengill products.

I would watch this, at least once. By all accounts Coulter is insincere and takes these positions because of the money they bring her in book sales etc., while Bachman is a True Believer, and Palin is sort of in between (she probably mostly believes but I sense that she isn’t asking herself any difficult questions either). So watching the interactions, especially as Coulter has to practically physically restrain her eyes from rolling out of her head at the stupidities uttered by the other two, could have some entertainment value.

As an alternative, though, Colbert Report seems like a good fit. Sort of a stealth education for the Fox audience.

A Jelly Donut with a Chalkboard.

I have no idea if this a reference to something.

I hope it isn’t, because it’s perfect as-is.


Zombie Hitler.

Since Bachman has a day job, replace her with another Michelle, Michelle Malkin. Add Meghan McCain. Stir.


A basket of dead clams.

Moving thread from IMHO to Cafe Society.

A small patch of brown liquid.

Fred Phelps.