Whoo-hooo!! We're Number 12!!

Just doing my part to get us back up to #12!

Come on, people, join in!

Yeah, I’ll do my part.


Calling Michael Ellis!

Q: What’s intrinsically wrong with Shirley’s question?

A: “Germans” should have been written without an apostrophe.

:::::*Grabbing **Sternvogel’s *guitar and smashing it into the wall until it is reduced to splinters:::::::

Apostrophes? We dont need no stinkin apostrophes!

I hate to say it – but the only thing that can save us is the return of the “a” thread.

Past performance is not indicative of future high postings, but if we combine* a few, we should have a HPC in no time.

An example: **Ghostwriting the Lord of the Rings brought to you by the letter a[

See, it so simple is it positively devious.

Naturally, being a mastermind, my coding is off. Remind me to fire my secretary.

I just submitted a couple other sites I visit on a regular basis. Both will end up towards the bottom of the list.

ah, they’re 1920’s style message board rankings.

In for a penny in for a pound.

Where’s Coldfire…

Probably boosting some Dutch board, I’ll wager.

Post, Emily

(October 27, 1872 or October 3, 1873 - September 25, 1960)

Daughter of a wealthy architect, Emily Price Post wrote her Etiquette to try to bring common sense and flexibility to good manners. She published ten editions of her book and for many years also wrote a syndicated newspaper column and for a time also hosted a radio program.

Before becoming known for her Etiquette book, she also wrote fiction and nonfiction for magazines and wrote several novels.

Why are the Something Awful forums not on that list?

Just what do you think that will accomplish?

im a member there too…i love my Impreza 2.5RS :slight_smile:
its a really good car site…lots of car knowledge there…if your thinking of getting any of the Subaru car models…its good place to do some research before ya buy

ok plug over :o :wink:

Strikes me as odd that Slashdot is nowhere to be seen on the list. I too question the validity of that ranking.

Time to disguise some post count padding as helpin’ the community!


Call me old fashioned but didin’t the Japanese bomb Pearl ???
Man this is starting to look like one of those 20’s style message board (much like they Death-Ray of the same ilk)

[quote/Call me old fashioned but didin’t the Japanese bomb Pearl ???[/quote]