If we capture and imprison Saddam Hussein and he ends up in a prison cell with Manuel Noriega, who’s the Daddy?
Come again?
Blimey your first post and it’s a thread starter! You got guts klawz! :o
Welcome to the straight dope!
Oh, and on the topic…I dunno.
Saddam is. He has a boss mustache.
Yes, on topic, I can’t say I’ve given it much thought…
Yeah but Noriega has been there longer. He has connections, what with all the drugs he supplies, and can easily have some of his crew subdue Saddam so that he can show him who daddy is.
Who doesn’t think about overweight old dictators in jail? They could call it “Caged Heat: We Have Ways of Making You Lust.”
Every time I go online I discover a new type of slash…
I see Noriega as more of an Andy Dufresne from Shawshank. You know, sophisticated and not into all that butt action.
I think I’ll just stick with my Buffy/Willow stuff. Unless Hussein shaves. Then all bets are off.
Since Saddam made Satan his bitch in “South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut,” I think he can handle Noriega.