Why am I so horny...

…when I’m having my period? (Not what you expected, huh? ;))

Well, I’ve always wanted to know the reason for this, if there is one. Given that this is the least likely time a woman can become pregnant because the uterine walls are sloughing, I would think that it would also be the least likely time my body would be screaming, “I WANT SEX! TAKE ME BEFORE I BURST! IIIIIII WAAAAAAANT SEXXXXXXXX NOOOOOOOW!!!” I mean, my libido is off the charts during this time.

With other animals, females go into heat or estrus when they’re the most likely to conceive. My Webster’s even defines estrus as, “a regularly recurrent period of ovulation and sexual excitement in female mammals other than humans.” (Emphasis mine.) Clearly there is a link between ovulation and sexual excitement in other mammals, so why not humans? Why am I never as horny when I’m ovulating - the time when my body actually should be doing all that screaming?

Not that I can’t achieve that level of sexual arousal if something external stimulates it (and with me, that could be just about anything ;)). But when I’m menstruating I don’t need any stimulation at all, and I am sexually aroused 24 hours a day. It starts about a day or so before I start bleeding, and lasts as long as my period lasts. Then my “normal” libido returns.

Am I some sort of freak of nature, or do other women experience this as well? Medical people, are my hormones just out of whack, sending the wrong signals at the wrong time, or is there a real reason this occurs?

Thanks in advance. (And please forgive me if this has been discussed. You wouldn’t believe the bizarre results I got when searching Unca Ceci’s and the MB archives.)

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank

Shayna: To answer your question directly: I don’t know. There is no known hormonal explanation that I’m aware of. Just as many women are horniest mid-cycle as during menses as just prior to menses or just after. In your case, possibly because you are subconsciously or consciously aware that it is extremely unlikely that you would become pregnant during your period.

Well, the most I can do is corroborate the story. I’ve come across a pair of ladies that share the condition you have. This is 2 of about 5 that I’ve gotten involved enough with to discern a gradient in horniness. So, based on the small sample I’d say that it may be fairly common.

As for why…damned if I know. I’ve asked the exact same question as you before from a guys perspective. I may have posted it here, but I couldn’t find it either. Chances are I posted it to another MB. I’m curious too, it sure seems bassackwards to me. Not that I understand women, nor expect anything about them to make a goddamn bit of sense.


does your period co-incide with a full moon?
that happened to my ex. she had the same reaction as you. It was hell.

I think its because of a simple reason…
Some women want what they simply cannot have

sorry, that should have been :slight_smile:

> Some women want what they simply cannot
> have.

Nothing wrong with sex during a period!!

I know there isnt a problem with sex during periods…

But would it not be a bit messy? at least for the first few days?

This is not really a topic I really want to bring any further :slight_smile:

and I know you could wear a rubber…
ah… never mind… I’m off to bed

It was a topic over in MPSIMS, I think it was entitled “Red Wings” or maybe Red Wings was the originating poster…

I believe that “Red Wings” refers to (ahem) performing cunnilingus on a woman who is menstruating. (yuk!)

That said, I get horny around my period, too. Don’t know why, but it definitely happens. Seems that I’m LEAST horny in the middle of the cycle… right when you’d think I was supposed to be most horny. Weird, eh?

Personally I prefer women who get horny during another time of the month.

1 in 6 chance you’d get horny during that 5 day period as there are 30 days/month [more or less]. Kind evens out in my experience.

Logically, though a woman should get horny in the middle of the cycle when she is fertile.

Thanks everyone, for your replies so far

skelton4947 posted

I’m wondering if there is any research on why it’s so willy-nilly in humans. Why does estrus occur in all other mammals, but is specifically excluded in humans? Assuming we are descended from apes, and given that apes experience estrus, when and why did this cease in humans during the evolutionary process? With all I read about the human mating process being likened to that of other animals (for instance, women being drawn to “alpha male” types, and the “survival of the fittest” theory being applied to humans, etc.), I would think that this would be the one thing nature would have maintained, rather than eliminated.

I guess that could be possible, if horniness is simply mind over matter. But aren’t there specific hormone levels that contribute to this feeling? Could I really be controlling when and how much of certain hormones my body is producing?

And I know I didn’t mention it in my OP, but it’s not just that I’m horniest during my period, but my body also experiences other, physical, changes that would make me more sexually appealing to (potential) partners. My hips and waist become curvier and my breasts become noticibly enlarged (I often go up as much as a whole cup size). Is there an explanation as to why this happens at a time when conception is less likely? I believe that almost all women experience these changes during menses. It seems to me that my body is sending all kinds of signals that would indicate this would be the time for mating, yet it really isn’t.
Omniscient posted

Thank you. At least I know I’m not alone :slight_smile:

Me too, which is why I asked.

[raucous laughter]We don’t get you either, so join the club.[/laughter]
JohnLarrigan posted

Not that I’m aware of. Is there a full moon right now?

Why would that have been hell? I would think you’d love having a horny girlfriend. Or did she just wear you out? Hehehe
AvenueB-dude posted

You’re my kind of man!!

JohnLarrigan posted

Well I only bleed fairly heavily for one day, so with me, no. But if you’re concerned about the mess, put down a towel :wink:

funneefarmer posted

Boy do I feel sorry for anyone who thinks being horny is mundane or pointless :smiley:

Athena posted

Aha@! That would explain why it’s in MPSIMS – or maybe not. I dated a guy once that actuall got off on that. I’ll spare you the gory details.

Another thank you the confirmation that I’m not alone in this phenomenon.

handy posted

And as someone who always has to see the logic in things, this one completely baffles me. You’d’ve thunk, though, huh?

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank

dont worry about it . . enjoy it!

You are the only woman I’ve ever heard say that her hips get curvier…and her breasts go up one full cup size…that may be from fluid retention…I’ve never had it happen before…I usually just want it over with…

“Do or do not, there is no try” - Yoda

You wanna know something about me…ask me…not my friends…

Cheers for the thanks!

my ex’s period coincided (for about 7 months, irregular cycles and whatnot, not sure if it still is)
with the 28 day full moon cycle.
She blamed the moon. (the whole origin of the word lunatic, I supppose)
and considering most women are phycotic and irrational during there period, it might be the explination :wink:

… and we have a winner in the most eye-catching subject line contest! :slight_smile:

To answer your question: I don’t know, but I know what you say is true. My ex always was.

Could it be just the stimulation of the warmth and wetness of what is going on in there.

You KNOW we guys aren’t comfortable talking about this “girl stuff.”

And by the way, I personally was never opposed to a bit of sex at ‘that time of the month.’ I just wouldn’t look, and she’d help with the cleanup afterward. :slight_smile:

“You had me at ‘Hell no.’”

Fuzzy may have something there. Fluid retention. If the, um, affected areas are becoming congested with extra fluid, that would mimic the engorgement part of arousal. The system would “think” that it has had sufficient stimulation already to reach that point and be “looking” for the rest of the package.

Be that as it may, there’s no reason for you not to enjoy yourself.

Don’t you have slightly higher testosterone production during your period for some reason? I have no citation for this, I just remember reading it somewhere. So I suppose this isn’t a legitimate explanation…seeing as I also don’t know why that would make you hornier. But it sure sounds good…does anyone have real info that could back that up? If not, ignore. By the way, that happens to me too, so you’re not alone.

“Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” --1984

Also the origin of the word menses and related terms.

the same thing happens with me… the spurt of ruttiness.

but i don’t think that it has anything to do with fluid retention (for me anyways) because although i do get my share of bloat it’s nothing so much as to temporarily pop me up a cup size.

“human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust; we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.” - albert einstein