…when I’m having my period? (Not what you expected, huh? ;))
Well, I’ve always wanted to know the reason for this, if there is one. Given that this is the least likely time a woman can become pregnant because the uterine walls are sloughing, I would think that it would also be the least likely time my body would be screaming, “I WANT SEX! TAKE ME BEFORE I BURST! IIIIIII WAAAAAAANT SEXXXXXXXX NOOOOOOOW!!!” I mean, my libido is off the charts during this time.
With other animals, females go into heat or estrus when they’re the most likely to conceive. My Webster’s even defines estrus as, “a regularly recurrent period of ovulation and sexual excitement in female mammals other than humans.” (Emphasis mine.) Clearly there is a link between ovulation and sexual excitement in other mammals, so why not humans? Why am I never as horny when I’m ovulating - the time when my body actually should be doing all that screaming?
Not that I can’t achieve that level of sexual arousal if something external stimulates it (and with me, that could be just about anything ;)). But when I’m menstruating I don’t need any stimulation at all, and I am sexually aroused 24 hours a day. It starts about a day or so before I start bleeding, and lasts as long as my period lasts. Then my “normal” libido returns.
Am I some sort of freak of nature, or do other women experience this as well? Medical people, are my hormones just out of whack, sending the wrong signals at the wrong time, or is there a real reason this occurs?
Thanks in advance. (And please forgive me if this has been discussed. You wouldn’t believe the bizarre results I got when searching Unca Ceci’s and the MB archives.)
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank