This thread has the background.
Please read it so you can understand this, and be patient, the second part of this story becomes more interesting near the end.
Part II
Sometimes I think my problems is that I’m a very good guy. Even that she pronounces herself as “decent” and “morally correct”, and I use to defend free-thinking, I can clearly see that she is a “bad girl” (I’m not insulting her), but her family (and that’s logical), specially her mom, defends her as if she was a 15 years old girl.
Let me clarify it. I didn’t hear the kind advices from Darkhold and Missy2U and commit the mistake of trying to improve the relations between she and me. She is clearly blocking me from any communication. She is far away. But some days ago, she changed her email address because of me, I sent her two emails telling her what she had done wrong. She didn’t reply. She changed her email address and sent her new address to all of her friends and relatives. Immediately, believe it or not, a misterious contact (one of them I suppose) sent me a copy of her email. Unidentified person. Then, curiosity engaged me (and a little desire of show her I’m not the villain, I accept it), I wrote her to that email and told her a couple of things, because I still owe her some money and I wanted to prove her that I’m an honest man. I told her that she didn’t have to see me as the enemy and that we may be still friends and that’s only I want (please notice that I don’t love her, and I think I never did it, but I feel damaged and cheated. I know what kind of problems have to expect from her if we have married).
Well… :smack: fatal error. Her sister (living near our town) called me and told me that “she has found a job where she is and she doesn’t need no more nervous breakdowns”. Her mother called me today, telling me that I am “stalking her”, that I have to stop sending her emails (I’ve only sent her two since she’s gone) and that she had done very wrong returning from Japan to be with me, because “she was married still and that was adultery”! She says that she thinks I forced her. Come on! Come on! Doper friends… she is 32! She took her decision by herself, she returned with money her fathers sent her and she decided start a life with me!! Suddenly she reacts irrational again and flies away, then she starts accusing me that I’m molesting her (a common, very smart friend who was in living in Japan the time she lived there, told it to me very clearly: “that’s a fucking lie! she wasn’t comfortable with her second husband! She was needing an excuse to escape from him! I perceived that when I saw them!”. Althought he believes that she didn’t do it on purpose, she only took a “romantic way” to escape her situation).
But… her own mother accusing me for induce her to “adultery”? What does she think? That I put her a gun in her head at the other side of the world and forced her? That’s the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard in my life. A woman friend and I have deduced that her mother has a very deep fault in her behavior: she seems to protect her from every mistake she commits, letting her blame everybody for her own acts.
And know what? This is not all. This is a very delicate issue, and indeed the motive of the title of this thread. Please grab your seats…
When she arrived here, 8 months ago, we started almost immediately having sex, contrary to her rules of “decency”. She did show a lot of passion, but she stated that it was for love! And… I don’t know how to say it. Well. Here it is: we took some pictures of ourselves naked, making sex, in very explicit actions. If you ask, they look like professional porno images (you know, fellatio, positions, etc.). Later, when our problem started, she came here and said again that she did it for love and she wanted me to erase it from my hard drive (she haven’t seen the pictures until that day). Bullshit! If you could see the pictures would agree with me that… “love, my ass!”. It’s was a real sexual photographic session of consenting adults.
Ok, then I erased the images but… as you could suspect, I preserved some copies of them. She started worrying that what if I save copies from the picture, and I told her… “That’s your problem of acting like that. All your actions must be calculated so you won’t be repenting later. If you was about to love me, then you were trusting me but at the same time, you should have known you’re not gonna regret the things you do. That has always been your problem! Now, even if I assure you that I erased the images, you’ll never be sure of that!”. Of course, she went with the doubt… and a couple of days later, she was gone.
Oooph… I really beg your pardon (in the real sense). That’s it. I’m not a bastard. And no one but me will ever see that photographs.
But help me to understand… how the hell can she sleep, having insulted me and having had a brief affair with her married friend (this is a proved fact), done all those things and then moving away, technically abandoning me, knowing that I’m in possession of a strong weapon, strong enough to destroy her reputation before her friends and family, if I were a bastard? Would she say those pictures are fake or that she did it for love (or forced, again)? But, who in the world would believe that? :dubious:
God knows, and I hope you will, too, that I’ll never use that weapon against her. Be sure and don’t mind about me, I know very well I’m not a bastard or a villain. But I can’t still explain my feelings about this situation. If I were her, I would have thought it twice before acting that unstable and incoherent way. And that, for unknown reasons, touches deep in my heart as you can imagine.
I don’t know what kind of comments to expect from you, but please, be nice with me. I’m not saying names, so no one can be damaged.