Why Do All These Homosexuals Keep Sucking My Cock? - or Today's Onion

It’s a repeat, but this had me about falling over. Here’s the link.

A snippet:

BWAHAHAHA! I love it!

I miss the Onion, I forget to read it when I get really crazy around here.

I’m just flattered he noticed my boots!

That’s a rerun. It first appeared in an issue of the Onion about a year ago.

Grr! Read the first line of my OP!

I seem to recall someone causing a bit of a stir by reading that article at the local debate/oratory club my freshman year of college. This would’ve been '98/'99.

[Winston Wolf]Let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks just yet.[/WW]

It’s an oldie, but a goodie.

It was originally published in Volume 34, Issue 13 (28 October 1998) of “America’s Finest News Source”.

Some of my favorites are Area Stoners Mistakenly Hold Massive Kemp Rally, Dolphins Evolve Opposable Thumbs; ‘Oh, Shit,’ Says Humanity, and the always classic Stephen Hawking Builds Robotic Exoskeleton. (Warning: all require Premium membership.)

And I’m afraid that if I get up the gumption to go back to school and finish out that physics degree that I’ll end up like Cosmic Stan.

Ah, The Onion,…tis all that makes life worth living some days. I miss “Drunk of the Week”, though. And what’s become of Department Head Rawlings lately?


That one’s not too bad, but I like the “Housewife Implicated in Sex-for-Security Scam” better.

Oldies but goodies.

free copies of the onion from the local grocer was the only thing that made my brief stay in madison bearable. well, that and that madisonites can drink.

This might not be the exact title, but…“Study reveals lying on couch leads to smoking pot”.

A classic… up there with the Point/Counterpoint entitled “We Gave Rex to a Nice Farm Family” (by a mom) vs. “They Put Me to Sleep at the Vet” (by the dog, Rex).

Lewis Black thinks they’re using the farm subsidy money for drinking. That, or they’re hijacking liquor trucks. “I can spend four days here drinking, and even with the plane ticket, it’s cheaper than drinking in New York.”

Yeah, but only if you’re prepared to have brandy somehow mixed into every drink. Yeeegh.

Wisconsin (Milwaukee) is the only place that anyone has ever asked me if I wanted brandy in a Manhattan. Er, no. Not now, not ever. That should be on the list of questions one need not even ask.

That aside, I rather like Madison, and considered going back to school there. It reminds me somewhat of Ithica, NY, although not quite a scenic, but hanging out on the patio of the Student Union after spending the morning at the Farmer’s Market is a great way to burn up a Sunday.
