Why does my girlfriend spend so much time here

Try sexting with her via the SDMB forums.

Im sure she will weigh in shortly


No it isn’t.

Would that be in The Game Room, MPSIMS, or the Pit?

Not in this case. Ve have our Vays.

I just find it hard to believe you can still consider someone your girlfriend if you are never allowed to talk to her. Heck, if I couldn’t talk to a friend, we wouldn’t be friends.

But word of Mod says this is is serious, so I’ll go ahead and state that this relationship seems far from healthy. The only way someone having this much control over your life would be healthy is if you are in a submissive/dominance relationship–which is something you both have to agree with. But your response here indicates that you are not happy with that type of relationship.

If she refuses to let you talk to her, then you really aren’t in a relationship at all, and might as well move on. I’m sorry if that hurts.

Nah. The OP would be titled “Why does my girlfriend spend so much time on World of Warcraft?”

I could very easily sock puppet here without being detected. All I have to do is use a computer with a different IP (e.g from the library), set up a whole new account, and speak differently on purpose.

Knowing that, the only way samclem’s comment makes sense is if one of the moderators is in on it. And if there’s something to be in on, then there’s no reason to take this thread seriously.

(I’m not accusing the guy of being a troll, but merely that the thread is a joke.)

Its a formal instrument of The International Silver String Submarine Band?

I for one really want to know what Dio has to say about this. (half-serious… am kinda curious.

leedolee, how long have you been dating?

OMG! She must be a MOD then! :eek:

. Correct.

. Incorrect. Your speculation is so far off base, I don’t understand where you got it.

Sure you are. You gussied it up a bit, but you’re saying he’s trolling the board.


I take it a face value that there are two separate people, that she does not want him to post here where she posts, and that he is concerned about this enough to post here himself. That, I find to be a joke.

Imagine a long solid with a triangular cross section. When the length of the solid is infinite, it is referred to as a triagle. It is an ‘n’-less triangle

That would explain why she spends so much time on here.


Is it still against the rules to call another poster an asshole if I’m not even sure who it is? Because, seriously, if this is true (and you are not in some kind of D/s thing*), what an asshole. I think you should drop your “girlfriend” yesterday and post here if you want to.

*Question: being wholly unfamiliar with that type of relationship dynamic, does the whole “You will not address me directly” thing really apply to everyday, non-sexual, “Hey, let’s talk about our relationship” and other such situations? Or is there like a scheduled time where the sub can do/say as s/he pleases? Or perhaps a suggestion box?

Yes it is. My sig is my cite.:smiley:

We only have the OP’s version, and it’s very vague at that. There’s got to be more than he’s told us here.

What are you hoping to gain by posting here?

Do you want us to tell her to scale back her time here? 'Cause we totally will if you want us to. Tell us what she looks like and we’ll keep an eye out for her.