Why is the board's clock running two minutes slow?

This was all so much easier when everyone just wore sundials.

It spreads like a virus.

The delay’s up to 2-3 minutes now. (posting this @6:57PST)

Posting at 26 minutes after the hour.

EDIT: You’re right, It’s three minutes slow now.

posting at 10:18:00

Donald Trump has widened the rip in the space-time continuum.

<NFL Referee>

The decision on the field stands. The challenge has been lost. The team will be charged a time out.

Please reset the clock to three minutes.

</NFL Referee>


Update: Four minutes slow now. (Posted @ 4:13 PST)

Has [del]Jerry[/del] the new board tech been told about this?

Oh, hell. 6:27

At the risk of threadshitting, can I ask why anyone cares if the board clock is two minutes slow, or four minutes slow?

I don’t give a darn, but it is an interesting technical question. :slight_smile:

Fine. I’ll say it: it’s Bar Time.

I wonder if the servers are actually running on Win10? I noticed when I plugged in my new pc it did not synch time correctly… it was a few hours off (yes, it was set to the correct timezome when I plugged in all the info: MS addy/pw, pc registration numbers and clicking central time zone). And also a few minutes off once I noticed the aforementioned time.

I think it’s still off by a minute or 3… but as long as youngest spawn gets on the bus on time (cos I don’t want to drive him the 12 miles to school when the bus picks him up outside our door) I won’t be updating the time.


Because it indicates a problem. It should be syncing with a time server every week or so.

Plus, if it gets too far off, there can start to be problems with cookies not working (though it would be worse if it were gaining time.)

A thousand years from now we’ll be a whole month behind. That’s the problem.

We can fix most of that with leap years, right?

I had believed it be be several times a day, or at least on start up.

Posting at 8:58am … NOW.

EDIT: I’m showing three minutes slow, but the minute-change mark may not be quite in sync with mine, so it could still be like four minutes.

It’s like a goiter – not dangerous in itself but a sign of something else wrong.

Plus clocks should show the correct time, dagnabbit! :mad: