BEING A VERY LAME AND LONG AND POINTLESS RANT ABOUT THE GENS SAMPIRO, appearing in the PIT due to language, and covering the span of three weeks, or thereabouts.
My mother (refresher from other posts: very complex former lady wrestler turned teacher turned therapist who is an all around wonderful human being when she’s not being a barking mad virago determined to turn her children into Carol Burnett’s Eunice “You’!” Higgins) and my sister (refresher: self made multimillionaire retired (at 45) Fundie Pharmacist who is a wonderful person when she’s not convinced that Hillary Clinton plans to use aborted fetuses as a tiny zombie army [and dessert topping] or blaming hurricanes on queers) have been at war for the past month. It’s going in Metamucil overdose like waves in which they either won’t talk at all or they talk 10 times a day and each calls me each time because they think I’m on their side and that I give a damn.
It started over the Fourth of July weekend. My sister has a small 2 BR beach house and a small beach condo within walking distance of each other on Alabama’s gulf coast. My mother loves the beach, always has, while I honestly couldn’t care less about it (my apathy for the beach and my apathy for football are the greatest shames to my family [well, there’s the gay thing, but my sister doesn’t know about that and my mother pretends it doesn’t exist]). My sister also has several other homes in the area but all far from the beach. The condo was rented for the holiday until the night of the Fourth but the beach house was free (she rents it only enough to defray the insurance).
My sister invited both of us down. I didn’t want to go as it’s a two hour drive to my mother’s and a three hour drive from there to the coast, but I was guilted into it. My mother is increasingly reclusive, discriminatingly helpless and needs somebody to drive the Isotta Fraschini (I was a teenaged Max von Mayerling to her Norma “I was the greatest flying leg scissors of all time” Desmond, but that’s another story). She also feels the need for somebody to run interference with my sister because she likes to pretend that nobody but me knows that she still smokes two packs a day, plus she needs somebody to walk her sweet obese little terrier because she sure as hell isn’t going to do it as that would almost look like exercise, so I agreed, fine, I’ll go down with you. All is well.
Until I woke up on July 1 with a hacking cough and feeling generally crappy with bronchitis. But, my mother had been looking really really forward to the holiday on the beach, there was a huge fireworks display planned for just off the beach house, and as I said she never goes anywhere (her own fault, but nevertheless pitiable in a way) so I’ll bite the antibiotics and go, planning to leave once I was off work. And, once I was off work (I had just changed offices and my phone hadn’t been crossed over yet so I was hard to reach) I got into the car and noticed there were 13 messages on my cell phone. That’s never good.
Message 1, from my mother: “Call me… you won’t believe what… she… Call me!”
Message 2, from an hour after Message 1: “Call me! I need to tell you what your siste…” [voice breaks]… call me…” (as pitiful as Jane Seymour’s “come back to me!” at the beginning of Somewhere in Time)
Message 3, from 45 minutes after Message 2: “WOULD YOU PLEASE CALL ME! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU! I NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE! CCCALL ME!”
Message 4, from 30 minutes after Message 3: “I guess you’re on your sister’s side… I’m not surprised… she has money and I don’t and you kids have always bound together in your hatred of me… c-a-l-l me…
By Message 9 or so the contractions are coming 3 minutes apart and I can see the head of the argument. It has something to do with somebody my sister has invited. Then Message 11 is from my sister: “Have you talked to Mama today? I know she’s been trying to call you and God alone knows what she’s gonna tell you, probley that I burned the beach house so she couldn’t enter it and hired a guy from Milwaukee to go and piss in her coffee or some crazy shit like that… well, you call me because I want you to hear my side of it… “
Messages 12 is my mother’s plaintive almost-too-weak-to-hear call me and the last message is just the sound of her TV playing in the background (but caller ID lets me know it’s her).
[LouisArmstrong]”…and I think to myself….”[/LouisArmstrong]
Oh shit, this is going to be a long weekend…
To be continued.