Woo hoo! It's legal to masturbate (like a motherfuck) in your own house!

And a link to the thread the OP’s title references: from 2004.

Sounds like cause for a celebration. Hey all y’all, let’s . . .

I thought it ways always legal. Or at least covered by the “it’s-my-bar-of-soap-and-my-weeder-and-I-can-wash-it-as-fast-as-I-want” loophole.

Did it turn you gay or something? Why did your friend keep walking past the masturbator’s window?

HA! So it DID stand up in court…


I don’t know what’s funnier this dude not giving a shit what people can see him doing. Or this going all the way to the Canadian Supreme Court.

When I tell my wife I want sex, she leaves the room to give me privacy

Rodney Dangerfield

Which party is he running for?

Always glad to see justice prevail. They can have my penis when they pry it from my cold, dead hand!

Yer doin it wrong.

Doesn’t matter; I can hear the campaign now:

“He’s a stand-up candidate who can deal with the hard issues. He’s in for the long haul; he won’t come and go like so many have. You know he’s got the necessary pull, and he can stimulate the economy. Vote for him and he’ll make sure that we all have a happy ending.”

I think it pretty much goes without saying. If you’re not going to masturbate like a motherfuck, there’s really no point in masturbating at all.

Yeah, I think I might react by just investing in some blinds…

Sometimes I’d really like to know the search terms for the zombies.

Good point!

Brown Eyed Girl wins the thread so far.

Did he have legal counsel, or did he get himself off?


I have tissues.