
Whats the title and the artist for the song thats been used for the new Sentra comercial, Older Intel Pentim II comercials, and the trailers for the fox comedy “Opposite Sex.”
So far as I can tell, the only lyrics are “Wooo Hooo” but I’d kinna like to hear the whole thing. Anyone know the name?

This came up in General Questions two days ago, here. I know the boards are getting busier and it’s more difficult to keep up, but folks, please spend some time with the archives and recent posts before asking a question.

I dont watch any TV so i haven’t heard what your talking about, but if it’s the same WoooHooo i’m thinking about it goes like:

WoooooHOoooo and it feels like heavy metal, WoooHooo

and it’s by Blur.

That is “Song 2” by Blur.

Song 2

Follow that link to hear the .midi file.