Worst Album Covers (with hahaha! LINK)

Worst Album Covers.

Oh, you musn’t miss Millie Jackson cover on page two - “Worster Album Covers.”

Ah! HAhaHAhaHAhahaha!

Oh my God. Check out “Tino”. And “Let Me Touch Him” by The Minister’s Quintet (of whom there are only four? WTF?) These truly are unfortunate.

Cat Stevens *Izitso[/] has to be one of the worst.


Who new Cat was a master at the Yo Yo?

Holy Mackerel! Why doesn’t Jeff keep his hook to his side? Whats he trying to prove?

She told me she loved me like a brother. She was from Arkansas, hence the Joy!

This was the first on I thought of when I read the subject line.

Emersom Lake & Palmer

I was able to hold in the laughter… until I got to Joyce.

Check out Country Church and just try to argue that blue and brown ‘go together.’

Let Me Touch Him – was there ever a more unintentionally funny inadverdant homoeroticism? I mean, aside from ManOWar and the Playmates? And Orleans? (Jim Post’s I Love My Life gets the award for inadverdent autoeroticism.) Well, at least ManOWar had the bodies to do what Orleans miserably failed at.

Check out Tiny Tim’s Christmas Album. … “I smell children.”

Reverend in Rhythm - It Bob Dobbs!

Is John Bult’s Julie’s Sixteenth Birthday all about hitting on depressed minors?

But the funniest… fall down funny, was Freddie Gage’s All My Friends Are Dead. Yes, I’m sorry if he has gone through great personal tragedy, but, dude, a musician generally isn’t that… blunt.


Good link!

But that’s his hook! :smack: I mean – that’s his gimmick! Like the blind “Braillettes” it’s supposed to be inspirational. Hometown boy overcomes adversity to soar like an eagle… yadda, yadda…

I dunno, Millie Jackson sitting on the toilet with a grimace – better than Spinal Tap’s all balck cover. Speaking of the mocumentary group did anyone think the ManOwar cover resembled Spinal Tap’s “Break Like the Wind” cover? I mean, it doesn’t look that much like it, but I still half expect to see a mini-Stonehenge in the background.

Scary note: The Reverend with rhythm looks quite a bit like my dad did circa 1968. Had the pipe even.

I like the “Twelve Top Hits” cover! The Reverend with Rhythm, too. What’s so bad about them?

Where are all the Journey covers?

The only one that didn’t suck, IMHO, is Raised on Radio

The socks. Definitely, the socks.

Gee, wonder if there is any significance to “Devestatin’ Dave” having “Zap” scrawled across his crotch area? :rolleyes:

Tino looks like a male prostitute, and Joyce looks like Tootsie.

I think Polymer Records’ cowardice over the Smell The Glove album cover deserves mention.

I stiil think the worst one is Screech gots to git funky


heh. I think its bad-music.org that has the Bill Cosby album cover where hes stood on the street in a leather waistcoat with a $20 dollar bill and a ceegar. its shit but good as well.

on a more modern note, the cover artwork for the REM best of thats just come out has the least thought of any cover ever put into it. its like they only had 10 minutes to do it in. a fucking duotone blue moon? and some type thats been slightly messed about with in illustrator?

good work dingus design dept!

I actually own Millie Jackson’s Back to the Sht*. When I bought it, the record store clerk looked at me and said “You must be a pervert!”

Funny, my first thought was ELP’s Tarkus. And I’m an ELP fan!

I think the fifth one’s touching him, and the other four are waiting their turn.

John Bult looks a little creepy as well as he consoles 16-year-old Julie.

Oh… he’s “consoling!” Looks so much like a kid reacting with tremendous disappointment to having dirty Uncle John hit on her again.

** Krokodil ** - What does Millie’s album sound like anyway?

Hey, have some respect! A lot of drug use went into that album cover design.

It’s a live concert album. Sounds like Chicago blues (some call her a “disco queen,” but she sounds bluesy to me) interspersed with a stand-up comedy routine. I can’t find my copy, but vividly recall one of her stories about a gynecologist (True story, apparently) who sewed up his ex-wife’s vagina, and she didn’t realize it for two years. “You know that bitch was white! If someone sewed up my shit like that, I’d have known later that same day!