WTF is wrong with people

What the FUCK

Is it all right to throw books at a woman’s head?

I get in the elevator at the library where I work and apparently interrupt a fat old woman’s hitchless descent from the fifth floor to basement level B and hear her get all huffy and say “shittttttt!”

So i just smile and press the button for basement A

And the door opens there and she sees that it’s not her B level and she says “jesus christ!” and then as I’m walking out she says “bastard” under her breath

What the FUCK is wrong with people?

When is it okay to just hit a person in the face?

tourrettes? :smiley:

Certainly not for that, rude as she was.

Next time just wrestle her to the ground and break wind on her head.

some people consider that a come on

In parts of the Ukraine it means you’re engaged.


::waiting expectantly for someone to call out the OP for sizeism and ageism::

I think a bridal shower is in order.

Almost makes you wish you broke wind in the elevator as you were walking out. Almost…

“WTF is wrong with people” I suspect most of them are not human at all. DOPPELGANGERS?

Oh man.

You said she was “fat.” You are so going to get yelled at.

No thanks, I had a big lunch.

Give this lady a break – she obviously had a bad day, and it’s the fault of complete strangers.

OOOH I’m tellin’!
Funny, first thing I thought too. :smiley:

[yakoff] In Soviet Union elevator curses you! [/yakoff]

I’m pissed off about this, I pulled up my lawnchair a good hour ago, and what do a get?

Bugger all (except for some rather good jokes at the expense of eastern Europeans. Fascists!).

<packs up flask and picnic basket, wanders off muttering>

I can understand why she was angry at you. She asked you to do something, and you didn’t do it. So, she called you a bastard.

Next time she asks you to shit in the elevator, just drop your pants and do it. Is it so hard to make an old lady happy every once in a while?

people who can crap on demand automatically win my admiration.

jarbabyj: Move to texas and eat cheap mexican take out… Then you too can crap on demand… and the rest of the time too.


::drops pants::




Damn it! :frowning:

::shuffles away in shame, with pants around ankles::

Great, now it’s mexican food jokes.