WTH happened to frozen hamburger pizza?

I understand that beef is more expensive than pork and that sausage and pepperoni are bigger sellers.

But most brands of frozen pizza had one in hamburger.

Now I can’t find one to save my life. Not at any store I’ve been to. We have a store in Wisconsin called “Woodmans”. They have a frozen pizza section that would knock your socks off. Almost everything under the sun. But no hamburger. And over the past few months I’ve been to multiple Woodmans in addition to multiple Pick n Slaves, Festivals, Sentry, Piggly Wiggle, etc… No frozen hamburger pizza. When I ask the store employees all I get is “What they bring us is what we sell”. WTH?

I don’t know the reason, but it appears to have been discontinued by everyone except Totino’s (it still appears on their website). Couldn’t find an official website for ShurFine.

Jack’s - All products
Red Baron

My only suggestion is to write to each company directly and ask them.

According to the website, even their “hamburger” pizza is made with “Cooked Hamburger Seasoned Pork, Chicken, and Beef Pizza Topping.”

Dear Og, please tell me this is a typo.

I think Aldi has hamburger on a humongous thing in the brown carton with a lot of other stuff, but its not frozen.

It’s not just hamburger. I like sausage on my pizza. I do not like pepperoni, but I can see more shelf space being given to pepperoni and less being given to sausage and hamburger. I used to see Canadian bacon pizzas, but they’ve disappeared, except as one ingredient in the meat lovers package.

Walmart’s website claims my local store has Totino’s hamburger pizza and Jack’s Canadian bacon (it’s ham! Gotta start that controversy :grin:) pizza.

Mwuhahahaha, my hatred of the bland hamburger pizza has infected the industry. Excellent!

I’ve had a few bacon cheeseburger pizzas that were an improvement on the hamburger pizzas. Mustard and ketchup flavors were incorporated in the sauce, and the cheese was more like American cheese rather than mozzarella, so it tasted more like an actual burger.

Nope. Pick 'n Save= Pick 'n Slave, Pick 'n Flick, Push 'n Shove, Pink 'n Shaved. Just to name a few.

While I agree there is more space given to pepperoni, I still see a slew of sausage pizza choices.

Please explain: are these all grocery stores?

Pick 'n Save is. The others are just silly nicknames I have for the place.

When I was a kid, I remember Mom adding hamburger to frozen pizzas. It always tastes better that way.

Yeah, but it’s easier if it’s already on it and you don’t have to mess with it. Freezer/air fryer/plate in 10 minutes.

Hamburger pizza is my favorite. Apparently the frozen styles all mix other meats with it. That’s unfortunate.

The one I went to a lot was on Milwaukee’s East Side and decidedly ‘down market.’ We didn’t have your name pun talent but Pick 'n Save It For Later was considered clever.

The swanky Metro Market opened around the corner during my time in the neighborhood, quite a contrast.

I’ll tell you if you tell me where to get one with only bacon.

The Kroger Deli used to sell ready to bake pizzas. I’m not sure if hamburger single topping is an option.

I know they offered a Supreme with a lot of toppings.

They’re a manufacturer of private-label grocery products, usually sold at small independent grocery stores. There’s an independent mom-and-pop grocery store in my neighborhood, and they carry a lot of Shurfine stuff.