y'all wypipo need to grow some skin

Well, they don’t but they are actual friends not former work colleagues and “varsity mates” nor do they live on another continent. Your reaching is basically admitting how US race relations is indeed mostly an academic pursuit for you. Quit trying to pretend you have any personal stake in it. I don’t blame you- you want to argue but there is obviously not as big an arena to argue about South African race relations.

What the hey about those precludes them being “actual friends”? How the heck do you define “actual friend”, if not someone you regularly talk to, and occasionally see when possible? You think time and distance are going to magically erase 5, 10 years of previous friendship?

And why the scare quotes around “varsity mates”? I don’t know what kind of piss-poor varsity life you had, but the friends I made in uni are some of my lifelong best mates. Some of them just happen to no longer live here.

Pardon me for being more of a global citizen than you seem to be. I have friends, good friends, move-a-body friends, on 4 continents.

Well, one of us is reaching…

Not sure why you’re so invested in making that accusation.
Just seems like a roundabout way to shut me out of the conversation, which - good luck with that, mate. :rolleyes:

I said it didn’t “mean nothing” to me, and that’s true. That you have to tie yourself in knots to belittle the value of my friendships kind of says it all, really.

Are you deluded enough to think we don’t have local fora to discuss our own race relations, or that I don’t participate in them?

And if you believe they are equivalent to those, or even in the same category, you some obtuse (deliberately or not) wypipo indeed. IT IS NOT ABOUT RACE OR SKIN COLOR. At all. Not all white folks are wypipo. Some non-white people are wypipo. It’s about what you do and how you behave, not who/what you are.
Anomalous1 is mos def wypipo, for example. I don’t know who the fuck he is or what he looks like, but I know what he says he thinks. And he deffo believes wypipo shit, and is salty for being called on it.

Of course, you have local boards. Just not enough for you, obviously.

American boards for Americans! Build a firewall! MSDMBGA!

HA HA HA HA HA HA … had to stop reading this thread here … this has got to be the STUPIDEST discussion I’ve ever heard … a bunch of Satan-spawned white trash if you want my opinion …

[Jake Bullet - pay attention here …]

I like Mr Dibble … he’s one of the good guys here on these boards … I always enjoy his posts … very difficult for me not to be stalking him …

[There, that’s how you insult somebody right good …]

Those of you coming down so hard on Mr. Dibble are, clearly, just bigoted against pompous blowhards.

I never even hinted his participation here is wrong or unwelcome. Some people were clearly mistaking him for an African American and so I was pointing out that error.

I first read this as “Schrödinger’s Whites”, which I guess would mean that they’re only white or not when you actually look. But as to the greater question, I just lump it in with all the other racial terminology used by folks who feel the need to regard themselves as superior to others based on their paint job.

It seems to me there’s a difference between “I’m superior to you” and “I"m not inferior to you.”

In theory, for sure. In practice, eh, not so much.

As evidenced by “Black Lives Matter,” which was a phrase a lot of White people (and, particularly, wypipo) somehow have chosen to hear as a statement of superiority, not as the cry for basic equality it is.

Those who benefit from systemic oppression always want to hear “I’m just as good as you” as “I’m better than you.” The fear runs deep.

I think some folks will be surprised that not only is Hillary Clinton one, but she is an award winning wypipo. Well, nominated:

Sheesh, she couldn’t even win that! :smiley:

Of all the peculiar practices of good old H. Sap, the strangest, to me at least, has to be race hatred and its kissing cousin race pride. Being proud of being white, black, Hispanic or Asian, or, for that matter Irish or Italian, has always seem to me as on a par with being proud of being tall or left-handed. It’s your genetic make-up, fool, and should, of right, be neither a source of pride nor shame. And for those who would argue, say, that black pride is merely an outgrowth of white bigotry I would reply that it is, then, the fruit of a very poisoned tree.

Really? It’s right in line with standard primate behavior. Say what you will about the goodness or badness of those traits, but it would be odd if we didn’t exhibit them.

I take your point, John. By “strange”, I didn’t mean atypical, but rather least justifiable logically.

People with lotsa privilege see the world as a zero sum game, where any person given equal rights means those on the top lose some rights. They simply cannot conceive of a world where there isn’t some stupidy arbitrary ranking of groups based on irrelevant traits. Feminists see this all the fucking time, when men get all outraged because they think that demanding our equal rights means that we actually want to set ourselves up as the ones who put their boots on everyone’s neck, when what we actually want is for men to stop being total jerks and killing us. You’d think that wouldn’t be controversial but not so much.

A lot of that is basic insecurity. They don’t view themselves as being capable of competing on an equal footing. But even knowing, as I do, that economies aren’t “zero sum games” it does seem these days , with virtually all new wealth going to the proverbial upper crust, that they might as well be. These folks might be able, philosophically, to see blacks, women, etc. as equals, but their big worry is the fact that some are going to be superior. That was the problem they had with Obama. Here you had an educated, articulate, accomplished black man and what do they do? They undermine the value of his education by saying that he was a product of affirmative action or that he fudged his grades. They undermine his articulateness by claiming that he’s lost without the teleprompter. And they undermine his premier accomplishment, becoming President, by claiming that he wasn’t even eligible for the job.