Yet Another Photo Thread?

Me…enjoying the swankiness of the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa.

I really need to upload more pictures.

Sorry, I’m busy with the telephone… no time for a chat.

Well, if you insist. I must not disappoint my adoring subjects. Here.

I’ll just make the long walk back to my cubicle, then.

Nice pic! Also, your eyes are the most amazing colour… my boring brown-eyed self is writhing with jealousy.

As always, lots of very attractive women here!

I salute you all!

Here’s me, trying to climb into the camera, and when I’m having a very good time.

I’m almost cool.

Me pretending to be a douchebag.

As close to normal as one can expect.

Thisis how I always pictured you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Standing in a creek in Mexico. (Just got back last night.)

I like the different angle you used. Great pic

An angle previously only seen on 14 year olds’ MySpace pages. :stuck_out_tongue:

Holy crap Butterflies
You’re HOT

(Please don’t stick your boyfriend on me)

Your welcome , eyes and smile make the picture come alive.


I so wanted to get back to this thread earlier but my friend was in my kitchen (where the laptop is) cooking and I am not allowed in the kitchen while he’s working. He made really good fried catfish for dinner. But he went home so I can get back to you all.

Khadaji, can I hire you to come and be my cheering section when I feel down? :smiley:

Wow, you guys really are a cool bunch.

Bouv, you do look cool!

Really nice couples and families, all of you! It makes me wish I had enough room in my apartment to have a really big Doper party!

You look a lot like Dr. Declan Gage from Law & Order CI.

New haircut! Having short hair is oddly addicting.

Me and my boys

The hubby and me

A lot of really attractive dopers here!


I’d never discourage a woman from growing her hair long, but it’s a nice cut! I like the way all the straight lines contrast with the oval mirror and the off-kilter angle of the photo as well.

Hazel, why did I imagine you as some stern librarian type? :wink: