You won't be raped're fucking welcome, bitch.

The backstory:

Long story short, my wife and I get a text from a friend saying he’s at a local bar and asking if we could join him. We haven’t seen this person is some time, so we agree. By a stroke of fortune, when we show up, an attractive bar regular is also there with her female roommate. We’d met before, so I introduce everyon to everyone, making it a party of five enjoying each others’ company- me, my wife, Marine, Barfly, and Roommate.

The story:

Near the end of the night, a pair of men sitting nearby take a shine to the single ladies in our contingent. One correctly reads the signals and sees that there’s no interest. The other just doesn’t know how to take no for an answer. He keeps telling Barfly how hot he thinks Roommate is. She keeps telling him they’re not interested. I, sitting next to them, overhear this all, and I sense trouble brewing.

So I stand up from my stool and lurk a little closer to the ladies and Douchebag. Minutes pass and Wife tells me she’s ready to go.

“We can’t leave now.”
“Because I have to play the male part right now.”
“Do you remember all those times when you’ve been isolated in a bar with unwelcomed attention and you wished there was someone to shoo away the creeps?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Well I have to do that now. We can’t leave until this guy leaves.”

I tell Marine that there might be trouble soon. He says he already knows. My eyes scan the various sports channels on the TVs while my ears stay focused on the slime coming from this guy’s mouth. He’s telling Barfly how much he likes Roommate and how she should come outside with him. As I turn my head in his general direction, he yells to me.

“The fuck you lookin’ at?”
“Excuse me?!”
“I said, the fuck you lookin’ at?”
“Whatever I want to look at, chief.”

There followed a slew of taunts and invitations to ‘go outside.’ He keeps saying he’s a ‘dangerous’ and ‘crazy’ man, which to be honest, got my heart racing. At this point, I’m thinking I might be in some serious trouble here. Maybe he really would just as soon kill me as look at me. I can’t really retort to his ridiculous claims, but I can’t show any weakness by backing down, so I just stare into his eyes for a good minute.

Marine sees this whole thing and takes over on my end, freeing me to quickly talk to Douchebag’s friend and the bouncer. I tell them both that out of the three of us, only one of us can get Douchebag to calm down and walk away. I tell the friend that we’ve all been there before, but he needs to pull his friend back before things get ugly. The bouncer agrees. So the friend steps up to the plate, throws some token insults at us and essentially drags Douchebag away by the collar.

Success! Marine and I put ourselves in harm’s way, and all three women will get home safely tonight. The bar staff is happy, Marine and I are happy, and the friend is at least happy to get out of there without a fight. Everyone’s happy…except two people. Barfly and Wife are pissed. They’re mocking us for almost getting in a fight. They say the men left because the bartender told them to go. They call us prideful. They say we’re just stupid men, full of testosterone, itching for a fight.

So here’s a hearty FUCK YOU to you two. I don’t remember the bartender being withing punching range. I don’t remember the bartender standing between you and the drunk Douchebag. Next time I’ll just mind my own fucking business. Next time some drunk is ten seconds away from just groping you at the bar, I’ll just shyly stare into my drink. Next time, I guarantee you, I’ll refrain from putting myself in overt physical danger to protect you, because obviously it’s unappreciated. Next time someone is threatening to assault you in the parking lot, I’ll be sure to look the other way, because as the saying does, all that is necessary for things to turn out fine is that good men do nothing,

Nothing learns ya some gratitude like getting raped.

You don’t seem to really get along very well with your wife. Maybe it’s time to cut your losses, eh?

Ranting about your wife online is weaksauce.

Maybe it was your idea that the woman couldn’t handle the situation on her own without some manly men to protect her that set them off. It’s pretty rare that one is raped in a crowded bar with a bouncer. “Because I have to play the male part right now”? Maybe it came off as sexist and douchey to them. But hey, you know, keep on believing you’re a hero, because bitches be cry-cray.

:rolleyes: Think about that for a moment. Seriously. Do you really think this is anywhere approaching divorce-calibre? Honestly, use some sense.

Besides, it’s mainly the other girl, Barfly, who deserves my indignation. She and her roommate were the ones rescued. My wife and I could’ve slipped right out and washed our hands of the whole thing, but we didn’t because that would be immoral.

Good thing you didn’t go outside when asked. You’d’ve been raped.

But I agree it is sad that the womenfolk had no idea what was definitely about to happen so can’t properly swoon for you. Stupid wimins.

And pass my condolences on to your wife fora ll the times you weren’t there to shoo away the creeps and she got raped. Must be horrible for her.

Saying “fuck you” to your wife online is really low. Unless she actually frequents the pit. In which case, you got balls man.

Yeah, maybe. Or maybe what set them off was the idea that sometimes you have to stand your ground in order to not be victimized, and any notions of violence and tough talk are met with scorn instead of appreciation.

Rare? Really? I’m pretty sure women have spent the past decade or so telling us the exact opposite. Did you hear that, ladies? 70% of you will be sexually assaulted in your lifetimes, but woodstockbirdybird is pretty sure it won’t be in or just outside a bar (who said anything about crowded?), so you’re probably good. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure it’ll be the other 70%, not you.

Yeah, that’s true. It was really meant for the other woman, the target of the creep’s affections. I only threw my wife in there as an afterthought. Now she’s kinda like “You’ve got a point there,” so I withdraw that. Still stands for the other woman, though.

Hey, you sound like a sexist douche to me, and I’m a guy.

And yes, I feel perfectly justified in saying the vast, vast majority of rapes do not occur in a bar, in the open, with the victim’s friends sitting right goddamned next to them and a bouncer and bartender in attendance. But maybe I’m as crazy as a woman!

Did you hear that ladies? 70% of you are going to be raped! Which means it is probably going to be by a stranger in or right outside of a bar! So carry a manly man around with you to protect your honor.

Good thing you’ve spent a decade us telling us a nonsensical statistic or we wouldn’t know this vital responsibility we have.

Ok so after your wife started to agree with you, or at least felt like you had a point, you withdrew the “fuck you” but if she had maintained her previous opinion, you think the “fuck you” comment would be perfectly fine? Or do you admit that saying “fuck you” to your wife on a message board on the internet is a pretty shitty thing to do, no matter how much you disagree with her or how mad you are at her?

I know there were times when I was really upset with my boyfriend when we were together but I would never, ever, in a million years say “fuck you” to him on a message board to a bunch of anonymous people online.

Other than that, I think you are taking their comments way too personally and seriously. You tried to do a nice thing for them, and no good deed goes unpunished, but don’t get bitter about it forever, please. That being said, I don’t think you were being sexist. I think you were being a good friend.


Christ, what kinda bars to you folks frequent? My name is kayaker, I drink a lot. None of the bars I go to have a bouncer. If things get outa hand, the bartender tells them they are shut off. if that doesn’t work, she orders them to leave. If they do not obey, she calls the cops. If things are too heated to wait for the cops, five or six regulars “escorts” the trouble maker outside, beating him only if he doesn’t cooperate.

Did Barfly and Roommate ask for help? As a woman who hates conflict, I appreciate the gallantry. On the other hand, I’ve always thought that favors should be done just to do them, if you get thanks for it that’s great, but don’t expect to be thanked. Do the right thin for the sake of doing the right thing.

There’s also the point that many people - women included - would rather fight their own battles. We have voices, we can ask Douche’s Friend and Bouncer and Bartender to get the Douche the hell away just as well as any guy. Posturing can backfire, as you’ve just learned.

Has it occurred to you that the woman you were so valiantly trying to “save” has done this song and dance numerous times before.

If Barfly is anything like a real barfly, she isn’t naive. She has no doubt dealt with many an obnoxious fella and probably knows a thing or two about getting rid of them.

Maybe she wasn’t at all interested in the jerk. But maybe she was willing to be wooed with the right line. And guess what you did? You messed up her game, man.

If she had needed you to be her eunuch, she would have asked you.

If I were there, I would have been embarrassed by the scene being created by you guys. It sounds like the situation escalated from low-key harrassment to near-violence. Perhaps it would have been impossible to defuse it any other way, but wife and Barfly seem to disagree.

Did you ask Roomie if she wanted you to go to bat for her? It doesn’t sound like you created an opportunity for anyone else to have any input into what happened. When you and your wife got up to leave, that would have been the perfect moment for one of yall to ask Barfly and Roomie if they wanted to go with you. They could have answered “Nah, but we’ll walk out with you” or “Nah, we’ll stay and have another pint”. These are grown women here. If the guy was creating a hostile environment, it’s not as though they were dependent on you to fix it.

When you told Marine that there might be trouble soon, what did you mean by that? It sounds like you were issuing him a warning that you were about to whale on his friend. I don’t blame anyone for rolling their eyes at that. It’s macho posturing.

You really didn’t do anything except sit there and wait for the guy to goad you into a confrontation. Clearly, your presence alone wasn’t enough to stop the harrassment, so what did you think the purpose of staying was? A smarter move would have been to go to the bouncer, inform him of what’s happening, and then let him take it from there. This is a course of action a woman could have taken, actually. Your idea of playing the “manly role” was actually ineffectual and could have cost you a broken rib or worse. This is why I suspect Barfly and Wife weren’t swooning over your grand gesture to rescue Rommie from the clutches of potential rape.

I think you meant well, though. But you can’t expect a lot of gratitude if it’s clear to others that ego gratification had more to do with your actions than anything else.

The moral is to stay out of bars, kids.

Isn’t the whole idea of going somewhere dark and/or noisy to sit and drink with people a little… 50s? 70s? Passé?

Or maybe she just pretends to agree with him now, as a way to get him to calm down instead of continuing to strut his manhood around, as well as to get the argument to end.

It could also be that he’s telling us this story of self-congratulation on an anonymous message board because everyone he knows IRL is sick of it, and his act, already. “Because I have to play the male part right now.” :p:rolleyes: