The intelligent conversation that one would expect on this message board no longer exists. I am referring to the pro-war/anti-war posts. Instead of of simply posting your views of the subject, the debate has been reduced to “you’re an idiot because you disagree with me.” Despite my low post count I have lurked here for quite a while and am shocked at how these seemingly intelligent people have been acting. Because of the actions of a few idiots this message board has been ruined for me.
I will no longer be a participant on this board (okay, I haven’t participated as much as others have, so to you it may not be a big deal).
And just so there is no confusion, I am calling all of the “warmongers” and “Saddam lovers” who insist on acting like bullies on a school yard “Fucking Idiots.”
Go ahead and flame me if you feel the need. I will not read them. As of now, I am finished with this board.
I have taken to adding these little postscripts when I am joking because many, many people don’t realize I’m not being serious. I don’t think Coldie is a bird on a bat. I’m just commenting on the similiar topic of these two threads. And just to make sure the postscript is longer than the actual post— How can we fuck you if you never come back?