Game of Thrones 4.07 "Mockingbird" 5/18/14 [no spoilers]

4.01 Two Swords
4.02 The Lion and The Rose
4.03 Breaker of Chains
4.04 Oathkeeper
4.05 First of His Name
4.06 The Laws of Gods and Men
Rules sticky

Hopefully we get to the conclusion of Tyrion’s trial tonight. And hopefully Daenerys will decide she no longer wants to be a queen and will dismiss her armies and enroll in a Physical Therapy Assistant program and thus that plotline ends.

Note to self, never tell Arya my name…

The Hound is definitely one of the most complex and interesting characters. Like Al Swearengen in another HBO series with lots of boobs it’s hard to classify him neatly as a villain or a protagonist.

Next week we will hear Oberyn say “My name is Oberyn Martell. You killed my sister. Prepare to die.”

In two weeks? damn you HBO.

Merde. No new episode next week.

Very cool episode! Can’t wait to see the trial by combat!

That Robin kid is a scary little bastard in his own right. Doesn’t have a body count as high as Joffrey, but given time he might.

Apparently Dani has…needs. And ain’t giving it up to Jorah.

I kinda like Oberyn. His coming fight with The Mountain should be one helluva matchup.

Peter Dinklage continues to be awesome. He needs more parts in more shows.

I just love how the Hound is the runt of the litter. The guy is massive, and yet he’s tiny compared the aptly-named Mountain.

Does Littlefinger’s creepiness know no bounds? You could have been my daughter. Pucker up!

Speaking of that scene, I’d almost forgotten what a snotty little brat Sansa is. That was an effective reminder. Robin is of course much worse, but he’s more cartoon than actual character. Sansa, by contrast, is a real human, so I hold her to a higher standard.

The scene with Dany and her boy-toy started to get me worried that maybe she really did say she was done with nudity.

That was a shocking reveal about Oberyn being Tyrion’s champion. How in the world did we not see that coming? On a more serious note, I loved the scene with Tyrion and Bronn. That was very well done.

Super annoying. Why not debut The Normal Heart on Saturday night, when you normally premiere movies? Grrrr.

You could have been my daughter is probably near the bottom of the list of effective pick up lines.

IIRC, a LOT of folks in last week’s thread speculated that Oberyn would serve as Tyrion’s champion for a chance at the Mountain. I hope that Bronn’s relationship with Tyrion is not over now; if so, I’ll miss him. I suppose he can keep giving Jaime sword lessons.

Also for anyone who foolishly went on IMDB the episode titles gave it away.

You roll to make your sarcasm check. You rolled a 1. You failed!

Littlefinger made sure Lysa saw that kiss, didn’t he? Sneaky little…

Nice to see Hot Pie is making something of himself; that wolf was some professional quality baked goods.

Oberyn said he was starting with the Mountain, so who else is on that list? Tywin obviously, but maybe Cersei?

Poor Robin! What a way to lose your milk supply!

The scene between Oberyn and Tyrion was powerful.

ohpleaseohpleaseohplease!!! :smiley:

I use it all the time. I’ve gotten my face slapped plenty of times, but I’ve also gotten kicked in the nuts.

One of my friends thought that also. I’m not so sure. Yeah, he’s clever, but his would he know Lyssa would see it?

Granted after that little conversation they had were she started blabbing about how she offed her husband and he had this look on his face like “Shit, she’s out of control and liable to blabb to anyone” I thought for sure he was going to eventually bump her off.

Something I wondered about.

Lyssa was screaming at Sansa about how Sansa’s going to get what happens to anyone who steps between her and Petyr “My father, my sister” and I think she then mentioned Jon Arryn.

I got the impression that meant shed murdered her father, presumably long before the series started.

Had there been any suggestions about Cat’s dad being murdered?

I’m trying to remember, but I can’t.