2009 Fall Cancellation Prediction thread

Except, V was a known quantity until the showtime schedule came out. People were really excited about it and now it’s being treated like a second class citizen. If there’s going to be a four month gap between the first half of the season and the second half, there needs to be a better explanation can “because.” It doesn’t make any sense to do something like that unless there’s a problem. And if they want to avoid “dead zones” of December and January (which are only dead zones because nothing new is ever shown) then they should have premiered it a month ago and let it run through November or saved it until March and run it non-stop until the Summer.

OK. Now I am dying to see “Hank” in all its awfulness.

I double-dog dare you. :smiley:

OK, I watched the premier of Hank on Hulu. I wouldn’t describe it as horrible. It is not much less than horrible, though. Words like trite, boring, and formulaic come to mind. I won’t be watching it.

It appear that you were correct.

What the fuck??? :mad::mad: Does NBC get the first draft pick or something if it finishes dead last in the ratings?

I hope Jay Leno fucking loses all control of his bodily functions and shits himself every god damned day of the rest of his miserable fucking life.

NBC brass can all come down with untreatable but non-fatal fucking skin rashes, too.

I’ve watched it for the hot women (especially Lindsay Price) but it is only mediocre. I fast forward through a lot of it. Isn’t Darryl the guy from Due South? I often find myself I keep thinking Charmed. I’ll probably keep recording it until it is canceled.

Yes, Paul Gross. This show looks abominable, but I’m tempted to watch it just because I loved Due South so freaking much.

From Alan Sepinwall’s blog: " . . . ABC apparently gave back nine orders to “The Middle,” “Modern Family” and “Cougar Town.” Please note the distinct absence of “Hank” on that list.

So far, it’s been a very good fall for new shows. “Glee,” “NCIS: LA” and “The Good Wife” already got full season pick-ups, and “The Cleveland Show” had one before it even debuted, due to the weird production schedule of animated shows. Unless it absolutely tanks tonight in the lead-off spot, “Community” will probably get a pick-up soon, too."

(Bolding mine.)

What does he mean by “back nine” orders?

Wow, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen that happen.

Most shows start with around 13 episodes requested. The “back 9” is the rest of the season to get it up to 22 episodes total.

Thanks. Since we’re about 4 weeks in to the new season, I was thinking that 9 more means all we’re going to get is 13.

“Veronica Mars” a few seasons back started the season with a really short order–something like six or eight episodes. But I think the majority of shows start the season with the expectation of producing 13 episodes. I don’t know how many most shows have completed at the start of the season. I know that when “The Beautiful Life” was canceled, they had aired 2 episodes and were still filming others, so my guess is that if you get to week 4 of a season, the shows have at least 2, probably more, episodes complete and ready to air. I’m pretty sure some shows are done filming the original orders by now.

I think different shows have different patterns of filming, too. I always had the impression that “24,” for example, was filming barely ahead of airing. Articles about the show always made it seem like they did a lot of last-minute tweaking of various plotlines, but I could have been misreading them.

We’ve got a TV writer – ElenFair, I think? – who might be able to address that.

I agree completely. Once they figured out how to use Roger (disguises!) and ditched the formulaic Hayley is a liberal(!!!), Stan is a conservative(!!!), and they live IN THE SAME HOUSE(!!!WOW!!!) it became pretty good.

Plus, getting Patrick Stewart to say some of the things he says on that show…supremely hilarious.


Which? fusoya being right or the show cancellation? :slight_smile:

Seems pretty remarkable. Anyone else remember a show which got canceled before it even aired once during a season? Southland was the only NBC drama I had plans on watching this year. If not for the 2 hours before Leno on Thursday and occasionally Sunday Night Football NBC might as well not exist at my house.

They did nearly the same thing to Boomtown, except they aired two episodes of the second season before announcing the cancelation.

After sampling the new shows this fall, the ones that’ll be cancelled almost for sure are:
Hank (just awful, bad premise, poor cast, this year’s Kath & Kim IMO)
The Forgotten (strictly snoozeville)
Accidentally On Purpose (not funny, sorry)
Cougar Town (one joke premise will not hold up)
The Good Wife (couldn’t make it through an episode)
Castle (among the walking dead right now)

Shows that should be cancelled, but probably will survive:
Jay Leno Show (dirt cheap to make)
Gary Unmarried (not new this season, should’ve been hacked last season, but has a good time slot)

Shows on the fence:
The Middle (sort of a Malcolm in the Middle without Malcolm, good cast)
Community (Chevy Chase makes this show worth watching, but is it enough?)
Modern Family (anything with Al Bundy can’t be bad, but it’s in a tough time slot)

Safe shows:
NCIS: LA (follows NCIS and should have a captured audience, but show is only so-so)
The Cleveland Show (Seth McFarlane’s clout will keep this alive)

My Guess:They were originally going to come back in February; They never run much new stuff in December anyway, and why bring it back in January if you’re just going on hiatus again in Feb? March, well, maybe they have too many shows to bring back all at once?

Anyway, found the link