streamers, chocolate cake, pot, etc.

Ok, where are the naked men? Bring on the naked men already!

starts chant with straight female dopers We want naked men! We want naked men!

Esprix! Hastur! goboy! Doob! That’s your cue, dammit!

Hey, I’m in on this!

We want naked men! We want naked men! We want naked men!

I’m not getting naked until there are more naked women.

In the meantime, I’ll tend bar. Who wants grasshoppers?


Matt, you should have been at the Folsom St. Fair today. Sure, I know it’s 3000 miles away from you, but, well, there were LOTS of naked men there.

I don’t mind showing up naked, but I’m not sure you’d really want to see me. I’ll see if I can round up some friends who actually look good without clothes on. Japanese guys okay?

I’ll refrain from getting naked here, just so the straight women and gay men don’t run away screaming–call me thin-skinned, but that always throws a wet blanket on parties for me. I’ll be happy to help you with the chocolate cake and intoxicants, however.

Happy 3000, Matt.

Heck, if there’s naked men about, you betcha I’ll be there. I can look… can’t I?

Hey, I’m nekkid right now!

You’re not asking right Matt.
Now you need some bait - a naked girl is usually best.

Oh and btw congrats on 3000! You’re an intelligent and articulate posters - one of my favourites. Don’t party too hard mate…

Happy 3000 Matt! I just want you to know you’re my favourite Gay Pagan Montréalais! No, really :stuck_out_tongue:

OK, I’ll be bait. :wink: :slowly removing clothes :

OK, I’m naked. What do I win?

More naked men, por favor.

Trion, how will I look you in the eye in Dublin now? :smiley:

Just ask him to bend over, Globie…


I’ll have you know that my nudity is symbolic.

I’ll let you figure out what it’s a symbol of. :wink:

Screw symbolism. We want the real thing! :wink:

Happy 3000 matt. Yea, lets get a lot of naked men.

I’m not saying the nudity is not real. I’m saying the nudity itself is symbolic. My nakedness makes a statement beyond the mere display of flesh.

: strikes a dramatic pose :

Now that I think about it, this may be the time to bring back the whip…

There must be some naked men sites online?
I wouldn’t know…maybe I can ask a certain friend of mine;)

But seriously, congrats!
Combining my vanillanice, orangecakes and peaches and vanilla posts would get me 3,000 probably.
But I can’t.
I am trying hard to catch up to you, so…take a break okay?