Big Bang Theory 11/28--The Parking Lot Escalation

When the University reassigns Sheldon’s parking spot to Wolowitz, their fight affects the whole gang.

I read that this morning and my first reaction was: “Why would Sheldon need a parking spot when he doesn’t drive and has no intention to?”

He probably uses it for storage.

I was thinking more along the lines of the space representing some kind of status; obviously Sheldon wouldn’t look kindly on being usurped by Wolowitz regardless whether he used or ever intended to use the space.

Perhaps that’s the reason it was reassigned. (Just guessing, I haven’t even seen a preview).

Howard only has a scooter; you can usually park those anywhere.

Loved it! Bernadette was great in this episode.
I actually noticed that was Sheldon’s laptop. Does that make me a nerd?


Is it just me, or has there been a lot of douchey behavior on the show lately? More than usual, I mean. There was the one a few weeks ago where Amy was a total bitchqueen to Wil Wheaton, and now Sheldon being a total dick. I’m sure there’s something in the university’s bylaws (and we know Sheldon’s fanatical adherence to written documents) giving them the right to reassign parking spaces.

I liked it, I prefer a feisty Bernadette and AFF. It’s far better than the ‘lets get the nerds wasted and the jokes will write themselves’ episodes.

So why didn’t Howard have a car until this week? He has been living at home, presumably rent free. He had to be earning a reasonable salary from the University.

He had a scooter. I guess parking hadn’t been an issue before.

He had a car; the university just didn’t give him an assigned parking space until after he got back from space.

Why should Howard have had a car? He had his Vespa, which he thinks is a chick magnet, and I’m sure his mother had a car (probably something like a 1998 Grand Marquis) that he could use to take her to the doctor.

Oh yeah, I forgot the Vespa is the Nissan 280Z from my generation. :smack:

  1. Just the right amount of Leonard this week.

  2. Since when would Sheldon accept a cookie from somebody else’s plate, much less their hand?

  3. Tighty-whities, of course.

Standard Sitcom Plot Number 17B, but that’s okay because they handled it really well. Very funny.

Bernadette and Amy should have settled it with a pillow fight in their nighties and/or jello wrestling. Best episode they’ve had in a while.

I’m more than a little troubled that this altercation between the women is really about a fight between the guys. It fails the Bechdel test. It’s interesting insight (it shows Amy being mkore forward and trying to engage Sheldon sexually, which is a setup filled with comic potential), but the women ought to be their own people, with their own issues to fight over.

“Boy, that’s a lot of bandaids.”