Big Brother Final Four speculation - OPEN SPOILERS

What the hell is up with Eric and Jessica, anyway? They were chilling in the hot tub, and she asked him, “so, when are you gonna come visit me?” and he just sort of blanked out, as if she asked when he wanted to have their first child. She’s a pretty girl, and he seems like enough of an awkward dweeb not to turn anyone down, but does it seem to anyone else that their relationship will end when the show does?

Definitely. I don’t think Eric is all that into girls. I had thought he was just a virgin, but everything about his movements on her is awkward to the extreme. And frankly, she isn’t all that into him either. She just stares at the ceiling, detached, as he warbles nonsense and feebly fingers her neck. It’s a totally weird showmance that will cease the instant Eric gets back to New York. There’ll be unanswered calls, unreturned messages, and all that.

When Eric rambles on and talks with his hands he reminds me a lot of Woody Allen.

Yeah, it’s a little bit that for me, but it’s also the way he treated people even when there really was no strategic reason to. Like when it was obvious that Jen was going to go out regardless, he still followed her around the house to taunt her and make her life hell. The whole “cigarette burn” incident occurred because he walked up to her and blew smoke in her face just to be an asshole. I realize that he was still pissed about the destruction of his cigarettes, but CBS replaced them and he’s a freaking adult. Get the fuck over it, Dick.

People on BB8 boards are now saying that Daniele said on the live feeds that she and Dick shared a limo ride to the staging areas prior to the beginning of the show and that they had agreed before the show to be an alliance before they even got into the house. Methinks the “twist” was complete bullshit (as opposed to the 90% bullshit I thought it was).

I agree. However, Dustin said something on Thursday’s show about E & J “waking up” the people in the jury house. Was he being facetious or are they actually cohabitating (with all attendant benefits)? Inquiring minds want to know! :smiley:

Which leads to a question: Suppose America chooses Dick (as they probably will) and Eric manages to swing a couple of votes his way. The final vote is 4-3 for Dick. Couldn’t this be considered “fixing” the outcome of the game? I mean, it’s one thing to get someone evicted early on, but we’re talking about a $450,000 difference between first and second. I know that with Dick and Daniele in the final 2 it really doesn’t matter, but what if it had been Dick and Zach?

I imagine CBS and the producers ran this past the legal department and were given the green light, but I have to wonder just how far this pushes the envelope of game show ethics.

I’m certainly no lawyer, but I suspect it matters only when the show’s producers and people who profit from the show influence the outcome. In this case, the viewership is like a composite player, and has no stake in the outcome other than their own enjoyment.