Can I be the only person stunned at just how badly President Joe Biden is doing?

Mr. Chairman, given that the OP has yet produce anything resembling a fact or a cogent argument in support of his thesis, I move to close down this thread.

Ah, you’ve been looking in at the same RWNJ message board that I’ve been observing.

All agree that Biden is doing badly, but they cannot specify just how. They do mention how he has opened the southern border, but as long as there are US entry controls at ports of entry, it doesn’t sound like much of an “open border” to me. So, they fall back on “Sleepy Joe,” who (according to them) has dementia, can’t read a teleprompter, has trouble climbing stairs, won’t take press conference questions, and is being “handled” by “Deep State operatives,” who have an agenda that Joe Biden is carrying out because, suffering from dementia, he doesn’t know any better.

Of course, “Heels-up Harris,” or if you prefer, “Headboard Harris” or “Kommie-la,” only got her job by sleeping her way to the top; and once appointed to look after the border crisis, did not go to the border, and her visit to El Paso doesn’t count. Joe will step down shortly, if he’s not impeached (which he should be, as a traitor), or removed under the 25th Amendment, and as President, Kamala Harris will implement her plan to turn America Communist or Socialist or some other “–ist” they cannot define fully, but they don’t like it.

Not my sentiments, folks. Don’t shoot the messenger. But I get the feeling that @Euphonious_Polemic and I have been watching the same RWNJ message board, where these sentiments are taken seriously.

I’d just like to mention that I appreciate this thread. It’s giving me a nice concise listing of all the positive things about President Biden and his administration.
Thank you.

The really bemusing thing is that after none of this happens, they won’t believe any different, or if they do they will never wonder why they got it wrong, and probably won’t even acknowledge they were.

What do these idiots think of Trump slowly shuffling up a mere ramp while holding onto the arm of a SS agent?

The goofiest part is that when none of this happens, the right wingers will say: “See, that proves we were right!”

OP - I am right there with you. Biden is doing a horrible job handling the pandemic he created! He doesn’t even have the balls to push horse dewormer even though we know it would wipe out the pandemic lickety-split when mixed into a delicious cocktail along with hydroxychloroquine and bleach.

Please don’t spread this kind of mis-information. You know very well that treatment doesn’t work unless you also shove a UV light up your ass.

Is there any chance that their spinning heads could be put to good use in generating “clean energy”?

Sorry, I assumed the UV light trick was common knowledge by now and no longer controversial. Mea culpa and thanks for bravely battling to fight ignorance.

Can I be the only person stunned at just how boring President Joe Biden is?


I mean, really, the last guy was far more entertaining…

It’s occurred to me that @CHealy7 was asking a reasonable question:

“Can I be the only person stunned at just how badly President Joe Biden is doing?”

I think the answer is: Yes, you absolutely can.

I think we need to compare President Biden with his predecessor.

Donald Trump has:

  • built a wall across the whole of the Southern US border and got Mexico to pay for it
  • locked up Hillary Clinton
  • had the largest crowd ever seen at his inauguration
  • received a standing ovation at the United Nations
  • released his tax records (the only President ever to do so)
  • disarmed North Korea
  • never caught Covid
  • persuaded all his followers to be vaccinated
  • inspired a massive crowd of tourists to enter the Capitol
  • restored faith in the election process

Speaks for itself, really. :roll_eyes: :nauseated_face:

He’s singlehandedly destroying the careers of political comedy writers by giving them nothing to work with. Pretty soon there will be no more laughter in the land of the free.

And you forgot mentioning you need to lube the light with bleach. Get cured of COVID and bleach your anus at the same time, now how much would you pay?

I don’t think that is fair. There are lots of idiots in America.

I called how boring Biden was on day one.

I’m quite disappointed that Biden has not gotten into a twitter insult war with a “B” celebrity. I mean, does the man even know what his role is or what?

You raise an interesting point: does Biden even have a “private” twitter account? POTUS does, but I’m thinking Joe doesn’t. No drama. Humph.