cornopean, conservatives are not oppressed

The “subject” was exhausted the moment you finished your OP. If anything, you over-discussed it.

And when he sticks with falsehoods, they’re generally wrong. (I get what you’re saying about DT and opinions, but the quoted statement strikes me as amusing.)

I, for one, am amazed at how derailed this threat has become. I blame Der Trihs. He derailed it without even a post.

The question before us now is: Does he still gets the points?

I was amused typing it.

The hilariously depressing problem are some of the typical blowhard idiots who get even the facts wrong even when they try to stick to them (I’m looking straight at cornopean here). So, kudos, I guess, for anybody who doesn’t majorly screw up things Google can verify easily.

As a controlled experiment I used the SDMB Search facility to find Der Trihs’ 100th most recent post, 200th, 300th, 400th and 500th. Here they are:

The anti-religious screed is one-sided, but by and large these posts seem intelligent and non-hijacking. Do those defending cornopean’s posts as no stupider than Der Trihs’ have the stomach to do this experiment on him?

The final DT quote was from a GD threat titled “IOKIADDI (It’s OK If A Democrat Does It)?” I noted that I posted almost immediately after DT in that thread. If you must concatenate a non-rightwinger to this thread, let it be me:

I too blame Der Trihs. If he didn’t go around making retarded statements all the time then this thread would never have been derailed such that it has. So Karrius really has no one to blame but him and he is the one she should be telling to go away.

So Karrius you should start a pit thread pitting Der Trihs for derailing this pit thread. And don’t get all retarded in that thread like you did in this one.

Wait, so anyone who happens to object to DT’s frequent political hijacks is inferred to consider everything he’s ever posted to be stupid? That’s a strange rule. No, I don’t think I’ll go along with that.

Is OMG a Black Conservative still around? Seems like I haven’t seen him in a while.

Last posted noonish, October 1st.

But not by me.

Oppressed right off this board. Tsk. What a shame.

Sorry for prolonging the hijack, but I do not like to be misrepresented.

The question is NOT “Does DT sometimes hijack threads?” The question IS “Is DT’s stupidity comparable to cornopean’s?”

I outlined an experiment to address that question. Do you have the stomach for it?

It’s a poorly structured experiment, and at no point have I referred to DT as stupid, so there is nothing further I feel I need to do here. If you want to characterize that as not having the “stomach” for something or other, go right ahead.

Plus, you know, we’re kinda hoping Cornopean doesn’t make it to 500 posts. -.-

Was a specific year mentioned?:dubious:

Does that mean I should start taping all of my sexual encounters to protect myself from rape charges?

I don’t do that; I don’t even own a camera. I was simply making the point to people who were claiming that women should treat all men as “potential rapists” that that would be the rational thing to do if men were to treat women with the same level of hostility and paranoia.

I thought you had a policy of never entering pit threads about yourself, Der Trihs?

Wait, what? This thread wasn’t about Der Trihs?

BTW I really liked septimus’ experiment. I kinda want to run it on someone like Clothahump or adaher just for giggles but I’m far too lazy.

Good posters are all alike; every stupid poster is stupid in its own way.

So they’re like human snowflakes?