Eddie Izzard in Philadelphia in November.

At the Merriam Theater :eek: :smiley:

I really want to go to this! How did I not hear about this before?!

Would anyone else be interested in going to this? I mean, I may have to sell my car in order to go, but I really want to go see Eddie live.
Tickets range between $30 and $50. (By then, I’ll be working full time, so maybe it won’t be such a stretch.)

He’s going to be in Seattle the first weekend of September. I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to it; we saw him the last time he came through town, also. He’ll be here for three shows. It was announced back in June; I organized a bunch of people and got a block of tickets right away.

Good thing, because they were sold out in ten days.

Just to let you know, if you’re serious about the Philly show, you should get your tickets now, if it isn’t already too late… :eek:

My girlfriend introduced me to Eddie Izzard the other day with the video of his “Dressed to Kill” tour from san Francisco. He’s not coming into St. Louis, is he?

Er, I should say, I’d love to see him. I laughed 'till I couldn’t breathe when I saw the DVD.

I have yet to hear a set of his that wasn’t hilarious.

Here’s his U.S. tour schedule. No St. Louis dates, unfortunately.

Oooooooh, I am so JEALOUS!!! He’s not coming within 500 miles of my state. I’d sell my car and possibly my right arm to see him live.
I have successfully converted quite a few people to the “Cult of Eddie” by way of my “Dress to Kill” DVD.
My husband has not converted however. He is the only person I know that can watch Eddie Izzard with a straight face and then pronounce him “not funny”, all the while I am laughing so hard I can’t breathe while watching it for the 10th time.

I don’t understand it either. Think that’s grounds for divorce? :wink:

Hey, Cervaise, where did you hear about the show? I was talking with a co-worker who’s on the Paramount’s mailing list, and she mentioned that she had tickets. I haven’t seen the show mentioned otherwise – nothing in the weeklies, at least, and no posters or other promotional material.

And I’m surprised to hear that he sold out in 10 days, because I bought tickets sometime in late June, at least a week or so after my co-worker bought hers. And I’ve got good seats.

I’m just happy to be going, though. We missed his Seattle Circle show.

He’s coming to the UK in December. Yay! I have my tickets already :smiley:

Ticketmaster spam. We went to see David Sedaris a few months ago, so now Ticketmaster emails us whenever anybody vaguely comic is added to their show list. Most of the time it’s a quick delete (“Jeff Foxworthy at the Puyallup!” or whatever), but this time I actually read the subject line before dumping the message.

Well, I should clarify it was ten days after I heard about it. We were originally going to do Friday, but putting together a group took a few days, by which time Friday was limited to back-of-the-balcony seats only. So we shifted to Thursday. I checked back a week or so later, and everything was gone. That was the end of June. Sounds like we were buying at the same time.

It was at ACT, and the sound wasn’t great, but it was hilarious anyway. Funniest bit (that I remember) was something about Darth Vader getting a tray and standing in the lunch line at the Death Star commissary. Classic Izzard material: totally silly and yet literate at the same time, and of course completely random.

Minneapolis in September. I already have my tickets :slight_smile: Of course, the weekend I’m going also happens to be quarter-end when we have several inventories going on with my second job. Oh, darn, I guess I’ll have to forego the paycheck.:stuck_out_tongue:

He’s going to be in LA for several days, and tickets are still available.
The problem is, it’s the week before a concert I really need to go to.
SOmehow, I doubt my husband will let me buy tickets for Eddie Izzard and James Marsters. :frowning: Stupid monetary restrictions.

Skerri, I owe you cake or death for alerting me.


Well, he doesn’t have to go, does he? Two tickets are cheaper than four. He can just stay home and rub his pennies together. :wink:

LOL, Cervaise, you’re going to get me in trouble. Although, there’s really no way for him to stop me, is there?

St. Louis isn’t hip enough for E.I. Remember, this is the town that passed a law in the late 1960’s prohibiting the musical Hair from performing. Imagine the moral corruption that would have ensued! Or would from an Izzard vizit!

pepperlandgirl, get someone else to go with you! My husband is coming home in less than an hour, and I plan to have tickets 15 minutes after that!


:smiley: :cool: :slight_smile:

Saw him last night. Oh yes indeed. The start of the tour was in Australia and New Zealand, so I might not be the first Doper to see him live this year, but you should all be jealous anyway.

He’s still damn funny, even if it’s the fourth time I’ve seen him live (heh - gotta boast!)*.

As a taster, here’s a few topics that he talked about, properly spoilered. N.B. They’re not really detailed notes or anything, and he may well change things around a lot, as we’d heard ‘snippets’ on the radio from the first shows, which never appeared in the performance that we attended.

Superheros, cavemen, sirens, firemen, guide dogs and Professor Doppler all feature. He talks about growing up in Wales and how to hunt badgers. A jellyfish drama is enacted and he’s got a new impression: Christopher Walken.

So, yeah - go and see him and stuff. He’s excellently funny.

    • ‘Unrepeatable’, ‘Definite Article’, ‘Circle’ and ‘Sexie’. I’ve only got ‘Glorious’ and ‘Dress to Kill’ on video, unfortunately…

i too saw him last night. ver ver funny. i particularly liked his breasts.

How’s his named pronounced anyway? Is it like lizard?