Effective pick up lines

So the flirting thread made me think. We all know good-bad pick up lines (“I want to rearrange the alphabet so that U and I are together”), but anyone have a fool-proof GOOD pick-up line? We have one week before classes start again, and I have a crush on a kid in my Shakespeare class. And judging from my past history with crushes Crush Thread. He’s not terribly outgoing, but smart as all hell, and adorable. Help me.

“Hi, I’m (insert your name here)” will get you great results.

Trying is the first step to failure

let me finish. i don’t want to do the typical me thing, which is to assume that there is no way anyone I like could possibly find me attractive. What to do?


‘Got email?’

That line only works on this board, handy. NEXT!

a/s/l?? u got a pic???

(Gah, I feel my brain turning into mush…)

“You should apologize for using up oxygen and other essential supplies that are desperately needed for survival by banana slugs.” – Judith Bandsma

The one that worked for me (well, so far. We haven’t actually gone out yet, but she did say yes when I asked her) was: “Hi, I’m Steve. I was wondering if you could do me a favor?”
Her: “Yes?”
Me: “Could you tell me your name? It’s been bugging me not knowing.”

Of course, you’d probably want to substitute your name for “Steve”, and this can only work if you don’t already know their name. And being sincere doesn’t hurt either.

Good suggestion, but we’ve had the same class for a quarter of a year now. I know his name, he knows mine. NEXT!

Screw pick up lines.

Just say “hi” to her.

Or, if that’s too hard, just say you wanna be a study-buddy with him. :slight_smile:

But I still think simply introducing yourself is the way to go.

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

Simply ask him, to go do something, Non-threatening, just a social thing. You’ve got a free giftcertificate for the movies or something… ask him to do something where you have to talk alot, and or are forced to cooperate with each other.

Thats what would work with me…

then again… i’m a geek. So I could quite possibly be wrong :slight_smile: God knows I’m bad with women. I can never do the right thing. I can’t seem to ask them out, haha, I need aggressive women I guess. Maybe I helped?

Some other (ahem) “guaranteed” pick-up lines you might want to try:

“Hi! Would you like to have sex with me?”

“That dress would look good on my bedroom floor.” [Note: This one does not work as well if your mark is not actually wearing a dress.]

“Hi, I’m (insert name here). You’ll be screaming that later.”

“Nice shoes. Wanna f*ck?”

“Wanna come up to my place for pizza and sex”? [If your mark says no, you can then say, “What’s the matter, don’t you like pizza?”]

“Hi (insert name here), would you like go out for lunch sometime?”

Lunch is cool, there are no expectations like a dinner. It’s usually more casual and can be more comfortable. Also, people usually have stuff like work or classes that they must get back to, so if you find he/she is not what you expected you haven’t invested a lot.

It’s not inventive but a somewhat different approach.

::Mike Brady hat ON::

A line is a line. Do you like getting lines? Why would you want to give one?

Now, so you won’t think I’m unsympathetic: I went to the same high school with my cousin. I had two classes with her, and sat directly behind her in both. Not knowing my cousin very well, I made the mistake of not saying hi on the first day of class. And again on the second. Suddenly it was November and I literally hadn’t said a word to MY OWN COUSIN all semester. What was worse, I couldn’t figure out a good way to break my inexplicable silence. That was 12 years ago. She just got married, and I was finally able to talk to her and explain why I was such a weenie. (Here comes the point!) If your problem revolves around how to break an similarly epochal ice-sheet, I feel your pain.

But listen, smart money says he’s going to like it if you talk to him. He won’t even care what you say, and he’ll probably like it better if he thinks you’re being candid. Unless he’s a shallow prick, and then to hell with him.

If you ask me, you’re better off doing something as transparent as bumping his desk or dropping your book. Even a blatant move like that can force you to drop the pretenses and get on with the giggling.

But whatever. I just don’t like lines (not that I’ve ever gotten one).

::Mike Brady hat OFF::

::On second thought, this thing looks good with my plaid slacks. Leaving it ON::

Stevie Rave On and Sealemon88 wrote

Yep. Just find a common topic and talk. “Shakespeare” sounds like a good one.

Some other (ahem) “guaranteed” pick-up lines you might want to try:

“Hi! Would you like to have sex with me?”

“That dress would look good on my bedroom floor.” [Note: This one does not work as well if your mark is not actually wearing a dress.]

“Hi, I’m (insert name here). You’ll be screaming that later.”

“Nice shoes. Wanna f*ck?”

“Wanna come up to my place for pizza and sex”? [If your mark says no, you can then say, “What’s the matter, don’t you like pizza?”]

Some other (ahem) “guaranteed” pick-up lines you might want to try:

“Hi! Would you like to have sex with me?”

“That dress would look good on my bedroom floor.” [Note: This one does not work as well if your mark is not actually wearing a dress.]

“Hi, I’m (insert name here). You’ll be screaming that later.”

“Nice shoes. Wanna f*ck?”

“Wanna come up to my place for pizza and sex”? [If your mark says no, you can then say, “What’s the matter, don’t you like pizza?”]

“What did you think of the teachers comment, XXXXX today?”
“What’s your favorite play that we’ve covered?”
“You had an interesting observation in class today.”
“I like that shirt you’re wearing.”
“I’m so sick of the food at the cafeteria. What’s your favorite restaurant?”
“Do you spend much time online?”
“What do you do when you’re not doing school stuff?”
“I think this class is pretty fun/really sucks. What do you think?”
“What’s your major? Favorite subject? Favorite class? Favorite Prof?”

Some other (ahem) “guaranteed” pick-up lines you might want to try:

“Hi! Would you like to have sex with me?”

“That dress would look good on my bedroom floor.” [Note: This one does not work as well if your mark is not actually wearing a dress.]

“Hi, I’m (insert name here). You’ll be screaming that later.”

“Nice shoes. Wanna f*ck?”

“Wanna come up to my place for pizza and sex”? [If your mark says no, you can then say, “What’s the matter, don’t you like pizza?”]

Some other (ahem) “guaranteed” pick-up lines you might want to try:

“Hi! Would you like to have sex with me?”

“That dress would look good on my bedroom floor.” [Note: This one does not work as well if your mark is not actually wearing a dress.]

“Hi, I’m (insert name here). You’ll be screaming that later.”

“Nice shoes. Wanna f*ck?”

“Wanna come up to my place for pizza and sex”? [If your mark says no, you can then say, “What’s the matter, don’t you like pizza?”]

Some other (ahem) “guaranteed” pick-up lines you might want to try:

“Hi! Would you like to have sex with me?”

“That dress would look good on my bedroom floor.” [Note: This one does not work as well if your mark is not actually wearing a dress.]

“Hi, I’m (insert name here). You’ll be screaming that later.”

“Nice shoes. Wanna f*ck?”

“Wanna come up to my place for pizza and sex”? [If your mark says no, you can then say, “What’s the matter, don’t you like pizza?”]