Effective pick up lines

Some other (ahem) “guaranteed” pick-up lines you might want to try:

“Hi! Would you like to have sex with me?”

“That dress would look good on my bedroom floor.” [Note: This one does not work as well if your mark is not actually wearing a dress.]

“Hi, I’m (insert name here). You’ll be screaming that later.”

“Nice shoes. Wanna f*ck?”

“Wanna come up to my place for pizza and sex”? [If your mark says no, you can then say, “What’s the matter, don’t you like pizza?”]

Some other (ahem) “guaranteed” pick-up lines you might want to try:

“Hi! Would you like to have sex with me?”

“That dress would look good on my bedroom floor.” [Note: This one does not work as well if your mark is not actually wearing a dress.]

“Hi, I’m (insert name here). You’ll be screaming that later.”

“Nice shoes. Wanna f*ck?”

“Wanna come up to my place for pizza and sex”? [If your mark says no, you can then say, “What’s the matter, don’t you like pizza?”]

Some other (ahem) “guaranteed” pick-up lines you might want to try:

“Hi! Would you like to have sex with me?”

“That dress would look good on my bedroom floor.” [Note: This one does not work as well if your mark is not actually wearing a dress.]

“Hi, I’m (insert name here). You’ll be screaming that later.”

“Nice shoes. Wanna f*ck?”

“Wanna come up to my place for pizza and sex”? [If your mark says no, you can then say, “What’s the matter, don’t you like pizza?”]

Other pick-up lines you might try:

“Nice shoes. Wanna f*ck?”

“That dress would look really good on my bedroom floor.” [Note: This will be less effective if your mark is not actually wearing a dress.]

“Hi, my name is (instert name here). You’ll be screaming that later.”

“Wanna come over to my place for pizza and sex?” [If your mark says no, you can reply, “What’s the matter, don’t you like pizza?”]

YIKES!! I swear, I did a reload on this thread after each and every one of those posts, and none of them showed up before!

(I mean, it’s hard to “trust the CGI” when you’re getting no-response-from-server messages and your reloads don’t show your own post.)

I swear, I’d delete all those posts of mine, if this board allowed one to delete one’s own posts (like how Usenet has cancel messages).

Successful pickup lines are very different between the genders. A girl can use most anything as a line and be sucessful. The most efficient for a girl are

“Hey, wanna go have sex?”
“You’re in my bio class, right? Wanna go have sex?”
“Do you have the time… to go have sex?”

Some of these lines can be reinforced by puting yor hand on the man’s genital area.

A man on the other hand has a more difficult time. Unfortunately for the man, he has already been judged far before he even talks to the girl, so there is little he can say to sway her opinion in his favor (there is plenty that can lose favor however). The few known successful pickup lines for guys are:

“Hello, I’m Brad Pitt.”
“Hello, I’m Antonio Banderas”
“Hello, drink this very strong alcohol”
“Hey babe, wanna fuck?”

This last line is only known to work in 1 in 1,327,825 times, but when it does work your chances of successful mating are nearly 1/1.

“I never meant to hurt you,” you said,
And buried yourself in lies instead.
Next time I would rather be slain,
Than forced to bear your mercy again.

‘This last line is only known to work in 1 in 1,327,825 times, but
when it does work your chances of successful mating are nearly
So you tried it more than 1M times?

You shold try it LA or SF, youd be more successful.

How about “Thou art more beautiful than a summer’s day”?

“Hey, wanna study for the next test together?”

“Do you have the notes for (insert day), I was absent (provided you were absent).”

Good luck!

A woman needs four animals in her life: A mink in the closet, a Jaguar in the garage, a tiger in the bedroom, and an ass to pay for it all.
—Zsa Zsa Gabor

Body language. It’s all in the body language.

Whatever you say, make a lot of eye contact, and smile flirtatiously. When you’re talking to him, stand close. Touch his arm at opportune moments in the conversation. He’ll get the picture.

(Damn. Better stop. I’m starting to turn myself on…)

–As useless as a one-legged man at an ass-kicking.

How about, “Last chance before one of the fabulous men of the SDMB scoops me up at the IRL meeting in April.”

Change Your Password, Please and don’t use HTML, as it has been disabled, but you can learn about superscripts here

If you’re cute and he’s straight,you don’t need a line. Simply introduce yourself and smile.

I actually went up to a girl once and said, “Hello, I can’t seem to think of any good pickup lines, do you know any?”

Believe it of not it worked and I had a bed buddy for a while.

A friend of mine made me laugh when he went up to a girl and asked, “Do you have a boyfriend named Willy (his name)?” She said, “No” and he said, “Would you like one?”

If at first you don’t succeed you’re about average.

If any woman ever had ever come up to me ever and asked me ever anything at all ever, I would’ve said YES and remembered it for the rest of my life. And I would have made it the most entertaining encounter I could’ve.

But as this has yet to happen, I’ll just sit in the corner and cry…

The Legend Of PigeonMan

  • Shadow of the Pigeon -
    Weirdo of the Night

I simply refuse to contribute to you (Swimming) picking up another man. It is against every fiber in my being and I will be no part of such an insidious plan.

(but Spooje has the right idea)


“No one cares how pretty the souffle is, if the appetizer is turds-in-a-blanket.” Bill McNeil, NewsRadio

Try to avoid these. They are so nasty, they’re insults.

[li]The word of the day is “legs.” Let’s go back to my place and spread the word.[/li]
[li]That outfit would look great in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor tomorrow morning.[/li]
[li]I want to melt in your mouth, not in your hand.[/li]
[li]I like every bone in your body especially mine.[/li]
[li]How about you sit on my lap and we’ll see what pops up?[/li]
[li]Will you be my love buffet so I can lay you out on a table and take anything I want?[/li]
[li]Why don’t you sit on my face and let me eat my way to your heart?[/li]
[li]Baby I’m like milk, I’ll do your body good.[/li]
[li]Is that a mirror in your pants because I can see myself in them.[/li]
[li]Hey baby lets play army I’ll lay down you can blow me up.[/li]
[li]If your left is thanksgiving and your right leg is Christmas can I visit you in-between the holidays[/li]
[li]If I told you that you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?[/li]
[li]You’re like a Pringles. Once I pop you, I can’t stop you![/li]
[li]I want to kiss you passionately on the lips, and then move up to your belly-button.[/li]
[li]Is it hot in here or is it just you?[/li]
[li]If you were a car door I would slam you all night long[/li]
[li]Baby, your so fine, I want to pour milk all over you and make you part of my complete breakfast.[/li]
[li]How about you sit on my lap and we’ll straighten things out[/li]
[li]Baby, I’d run a mile for your vertical smile. Nice shirt… wanna fuck?[/li]
[li]If I could rearrange the alphabet I’d put U and I together.[/li]
[li]Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see![/li]
[li]Can I have fries with that shake![/li]
[li]You’re so sweet you’re giving me a toothache.[/li]
[li]Hey baby, can I tickle your belly button from the inside?[/li]
[li]If I had eleven roses and you, I’d have a dozen.[/li]
[li]Hi, I’m new in town. Can I have directions to your house?[/li]
[li]Pardon my is there a mirror in your pocket because I can see myself in your pants.[/li]
[li]Do you know CPR because you take my breath away.[/li]
[li]Your daddy must of been a drug dealer 'cause you’re dope.[/li]
[li]My face is leaving in 15 minutes…be on it![/li]
[li]I’d look good on you.[/li]
[li]When does your centerfold come out.[/li]
[li]So do ya wanna see something really swell?[/li]
[li]I’ve seem to have lost my number, can I have yours?[/li]
[li]I’ve got the hot dog and you got the buns.[/li]
[li]Is your name Gillette? …because you’re the best a man can get.[/li]
[li]Are we near the airport or is that just my heart taking off?[/li]
[li]I may not be Fred Flinstone, but I sure can make your bed rock.[/li]
[li]You have nice legs. What time do they open?[/li]
[li]Do you like Subway? How about my foot long?[/li]
[li]Hey that dress looks nice. Can I talk you out of it.[/li]
[li]Is that a keg in your pants? Cause I’d just love to tap that ass![/li]
[li]Are those pants from outer space? Cause that ass is out of this world.[/li]
[li]You’re like a championship bass, I don’t know if I should mount you or eat you.[/li]
[li]Is your dad a terrorist? Because your the bomb![/li]
[li]Are you a parking ticket cause you have fine written all over you.[/li]
I especially like the 3rd to last one. It’s hilarious.

“Winners never quit and quitters never win, but those who never win and never quit are idiots.”

Ok, at the risk of feeding your ego… (haha) we’ve all seen your picture. Speaking as a guy, I can tell you authoritatively that no guy (who likes girls and is either single or taken/unfaithful) is going to balk at a cute girl walking up and asking him out on a date/lunch/whatever.

My suggestion? Be direct. Say “you know, I think you’re really attractive. want to go out sometime?”

The best line ever used on me by a girl was “you’re f*****g gorgeous, want to go home with me?” Naturally she was really drunk, so her judgement was severely impaired (she was obviously beer-goggling really bad), but the point is that we aren’t nearly as tough to hook as women are.

Mere Life is not Victory.
Mere Death is not Defeat.

Joe Cool

By the way, judging by your picture on your website, the guy would have to be insane, or gay, to say no.

The Legend Of PigeonMan

  • Shadow of the Pigeon -
    Weirdo of the Night

SwimmingRiddles said
He’s not terribly outgoing, but smart as all hell, and adorable.
He is probably shy too.
Don’t use a line.
Just walk up and say “Hi want to go to McDs and get a cup of coffee.and talk?”

But don’t say McD’s. Go somewhere you can get a good cup of joe.