Explain someone else's user name, please!

JcWoman is proud that she got her two-year degree?

JcWoman will only shop at Penny’s?

JcWoman only is on the dope when she’s got a lot of free time and is just chillin’?

JcWoman is always just curious?

JcWoman is actually a man whose favorite actors are John Cusack and Warren Oates.

Bumbershoot owns a dog with bees in its mouth and when its mouth opens bees shoot out.

Walken should not be fed after Midnight, under no circumstances.

JcWoman is actually a guy who loves Queensryche’s “Jet City Woman”

JcWoman is actually named after the ancient Romans, by combining the initials of Julius Caesar and the pronunciantion of “Roman” by Pontius Pilate in Monty Python’s Life of Brian (“So your father was a Woman”).

That is the classiest description I’ve ever heard for: “I-was-on-a-14-day-bender-in-my-easy-chair-drinkin-Boone’s-Farm.” :smiley: :smiley:

I’m so glad I’m not alone. Deranged minds and all that.

That’s adorable! Spinsterish, but adorable nonetheless.

And I’d say Sternvogal is a very authoritative and vocal taskmaster who likes to punish misdeeds by wrapping one on the knuckles with a ruler. Rowr!

Idle Thoughts is echoing the thoughts of Eric Idle.

Shagnasty is…well…let’s just say that if I were an innocent newbie and just happened to click on this site for the first time, and it just happened that the first user I see is named “Shagnasty”—I’d close the window real quick, and wouldn’t come back.

(Note to the real Shag:
geez, man: how does a guy who uses language so well pick such an inappropriate tag?) :slight_smile:

Oooops!!! Now I get it!!! Sorrry!!!
Shagnasty is obviously a senior member of the dynasty, descended from Shaq.

But he changed the q to a g. This is in order to remain modest and inconspicuous, so that when he travels to South Korea, people won’t confuse him with his relative–the one who went to North Korea.

chappachula wanted to be a chapa chula (a cool coin or a cool bottle cap) but can’t spell Espanish too good.

Actually Bricker always misses that jump shot by {{{…}}} this much.

Pigeons lay green eggs?

**dougie_monty ** really dug The Full Monty until he became a Jehovah’s Witness.

:stuck_out_tongue: I’ll have you know that almost no one has regretted putting anything in their mouth from me…:eek: And it was Bartles and James. I’m classy that way.

RickJay got his name from the corvid (Cyanocitta torii) that only sits on the right side of trees.

Hopeful Crow was inspired by a french fry addicted bird that hung around McD’s parking lots in hopes of a dropped Happy Meal or two…

Bumbershoot has a gun disguised as an umbrella, only it’s not a regular gun, it’s a blunderbuss with the big trumpet shaped barrel.

Chefguy is actually the Swedish Chef. Bork bork bork!

DungBeetle hates the Beatles and would like to poop all over them. And their music.

Nava is the Spanish navy.

and Christopher is evidently a sleepwalker.