I start August 18th.
Introduction to Poetry
American Indian Literature
Western Civilization I
Masterpieces World Literatur I
Introduction to Symbolic Logic
I’m going to be doing a lot of reading. Wouldn’t have it any other way.
I start August 18th.
Introduction to Poetry
American Indian Literature
Western Civilization I
Masterpieces World Literatur I
Introduction to Symbolic Logic
I’m going to be doing a lot of reading. Wouldn’t have it any other way.
Both my niece and I started back to school today.
Apparently, according to my sister, my niece took it with a lot more grace and dignity than I did.
*“Whaddya mean I gotta buy a new book?! Waaaaaaa!” *
I start the first day of September, as a junior, taking (at the moment):
English 11
AP US History
AP Calculus BC
AP Computer Science
AP Latin-Vergil (next Thursday I’m going to the Guidance office to switch into AP Music Theory)
Advanced Mixed Chorus
Next week, I’m going to ‘boot camp’ for Choir, so I can meet the new freshmen and brush up on The Star-Spangled Banner, which Choir sings every year at the freshman orientation.
My next term starts September 12th. My school runs on a bit of a different schedule from most, so I’ll be starting the second semester of my second year in the fall.
Did anybody else parse this as “No parents, no partying and no sleeping late!” and think that this guy was out of his mind?
Starting my first semester of my third year September 8. Unfortunately, upper years can only move back on campus September 7. So I’m going home for a week or so in between (fortunately, I’m pretty sure leaving most of my stuff here will be doable, since my current roommate is staying). At this point, I just want time off work (I’m quitting my job and hoping to fnd a new one–this one is burning me out), and I couldn’t care much less about other things like school or moving. Well, there is one other thing–my parents bought me a desktop which I’ll get when I go back
I’m posting from the library of my college. Today, in fact, I went to orientation. Feels strange to be enrolled again after a year and a half off! But this time I’m going to school in Maryland, so that’s a new experience. Maybe I should attend college in every ‘M’ state – I’ve already got Mississippi and Maryland done, Missouri’s next, then Massachusetts.
I’ve still got a month or so before I my last year of uni starts up (I plan on heading back in a 2-3 weeks though to help with orientation and stuff). Need to find somewhere to live though. I have no idea how to go about this process so I just keep putting it off. This week I’ll try to actually look into it. Not sure which classes I’ll be taking. I’ll decide that once I get there during the first week. Although, at the moment I’m debating whether or not to write a dissertation. We get to choose either that or another course. I know what I want to write about sort of, but need to get off my ass and actually apply to do this, etc… we’ll see, I have a better chance of getting an A if I just take another course, but then again, grades aren’t really that important to me. I can’t wait to get back - nothing to do at home.
This could get expensive. What of Minnesota, Michigan, Montana, Maine? I think you should stick to the Fs, like me. Only one of us.
As for me, I go back on 08/29 for SPN 2200 – Español III. My only class, just for personal enrichment.
The question on my mind is: Is that “Español tres” or “Español Three”?
Y’know, when I read that Severus was TA’ing this year I geekily joked to myself"what, Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Then when I found out it was Linear Algebra, I had to concede that it WASN’T so off-base. Just try tackling differential equations without a good background in Linear Algebra. Talk about a dark art.
I’m back for, oh, my 13th year as an undergrad, give or take a couple. Last year I got my ass handed to me by Complex Analysis, so I’m going to tackle one less dimension and go for Real Analysis. I’m also taking Operations Research Using Deterministic Methods, but I might drop that if it gets too hairy. I work full time, hence the need for many, many years in order to finish the little BA-stard.
BTW, if you are in your early 20’s, do not be like me, struggling for a BA degree in your mid-40s. Partying is great, but not ALL the damn time. Trust me on that one.
High school starts again on Aug. 25. Here are my courses:
AP English III
AP Calculus AB (too lazy for BC)
“Fizz” Ed… (still required in ILL-inois)
Varsity Singers
German III
My college classes don’t start 'til early September. I’m not sure what I’m going to take yet, but I should really register soon. I want to take psychology really badly, but it would interfere with rehearsals. (That sounds really dumb at first, but I want to be a theater major.) I’m both excited and nervous for school to begin because this is my junior year of high school. I am not sure if school plays (we do have a good theater department) or a youth theater troupe is best when applying to theater schools, so I’m going to talk to one of my directors about what I should be doing this year. Add that to the AP and college classes that I’m nervous about and the testing that happens this year… My tummy hurts! whimper
I start on the 29th!
Intro to Communication Research
Advanced English Composition
Spanish 201
Quantitative Reasoning (math for non-math majors who hate the subject)
Religions of the Orient
And on top of that, two jobs. Kill me now. :eek:
I’m hoping I get on-campus housing reasonably quickly (bwahahahahahaha, that’s a good one). I transferred in from the yuckiest campus of a community college and this is my first semester here, so I’m just thrilled either way.
I’m returning to Baton Rouge later this week to start my FINAL semester as an undergrad!! Finally graduating… after 6 1/2 years. Of course I only have 2 classes this semester (my damn Italian credits kept me from graduating last semester), so it’ll be an easy one. Guess this means I need to get a job too. (sigh) For anyone who cares, I’m a psyc major, and my other class is called “Madness & Medicine.” Of course the classes usually sound more interesting than they actually are, so I guess we’ll see about this one.
It’s “Spanisch Drei”.
I start law school on the 6th of September.
It’s been 22 years since I got my BA, and I hope I can somehow manage to keep up. On the plus side, I feel my years of experience as a technical writer and trainer, and as a part-time writing instructor at a community college, should stand me in good stead for the work to come. On the minus side, computers were not needed when I was last a student (heck, personal computers had barely been invented), and I hope I can keep up with my younger classmates who are likely more savvy about the use of technology in school than I am.
As for work during school, I’m going to look into opportunities in the school’s writing lab, perhaps tutoring undergrads who need help with writing essays and such. If there is nothing there, maybe I can just advertise that students can have a former professional writer (me) check their essays for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. We’ll see how things go, though; I’m unsure at this point just how much free time I’ll have for such endeavours.
It’ll be a challenge. Wish me luck–and good luck to all of you, too!
It took me a second to get this. Which is bad, because German is my best language (behind English, of course).
I start on the 24th.
Accelerated Spanish (took it for five years 7th-11th grade, but need to brush up before I can take my required 200 level spanish class)
Childhood Abnormal Psych
Psych of Gender
Experimental Psych + lab
Neural Mechanisms of Disease
I’m taking two courses via distance learning. It’s the first back to school in over 10 years. I’m working on a second BA in History (my first is in Technical Communications).
I’m one of the few still in high school here…I start eleventh grade on September 6th. ::Stomach turns over:: I will be taking:
Gr. 11 Bio
Gr. 11 Chem
Gr. 11 Physics
Intro to Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology
Gr. 11 Math (Enriched)
Gr. 12 Accounting
World Religions
Gr. 11 English
I’m starting my Senior year in Finance undergrad next week. This will probably be my hardest semester because I have all 15 hours of class on two days of the week and I will be working all day the other three. At least my weekends will be free to party ahem I mean study. I really am going to study a lot though because I love getting those Dean’s List letters in the mail. Anyway, I am going to apply to a few law schools up north during the next few weeks. I anticipate my only problem will be with professor references. It’s hard to get to know your prof. when there are 450 other classmates just in your one class (and he teaches three others). If the law schools I want won’t take me, I will be happy to get my Masters in finance or accounting.
For those interested here are the classes I am taking:
Portfolio Analysis & Management
Intermediate Financial Accounting
Real Estate Development
Financial Models