Feel Good Friday Topic: What Fun Thing Are You Doing Tonight? (Your Responses Requested)

It’s Friday!!

Tonight I’m going up to help celebrate my nephew’s graduation from high school. Along with seeing my brother/SIL and their 7 kids, my mom is driving up with my other SIL and her daughter.

Being around family can be kind of stressful - but this time I’m just going to focus on the fact that my mom is making gluten-free brownies. (gotta focus on the happy stuff, right?)

So what about you? What fun thing are you looking forward to tonight?

Waiting in the stand-by line to see the LA Film Festival debut of Miranda July’s new movie
“The Future” It will open in wider release in a month but I’ll be out of town when it opens and am afraid I might miss it altogether if I don’t try to see it now.

After work I’ll be hiking at St. Joseph’s Hill Open Space Preserve. Then, after a dip in the pool, I’ll enjoy some kind of salad wrap for din-din.

I intend to curl up on my couch in a tee, watch a movie I’ve rented and nosh on strawberry sherbert.

The Doorses are going to see Cars 2 and Green Lantern at the drive-in tonight.

Take the dog to the park, come home and have spaghetti and wine for dinner, and watch a few episodes of Breaking Bad season three. Maybe shoot a couple games of pool with the husband. Woo hoo!

The SO’s parents are coming up and we are going to Montreal tomorrow. I like his parents, they’re normal.

Opening night of La Boheme, so I’ll putting on my best dress, meeting important people, and probably cleaning bathrooms at intermission.

Tomorrow is date night, but tonight we’ll probably snuggle and watch the last hour of the Rifftrax of Independence Day. :slight_smile:

I haven’t had a full day off since early May, and looks like I’ll be working Sat/sun this week, so nothing very ambitious. Light dinner and watch a few videos from the Michael Gondry collection that just arrived from Amazon.

We are very likely going to check out the Livonia Spree, at which one of the rides threw off off a chunk of metal and injured a woman on Tuesday. Should be fun.

My wife and me are taking the kids to see Cars 2. Looks like it’s gonna be Pixar’s first real* stinker as far as story, but I’m sure it’ll look great, and stimulate the part of my brain that loves pixels.
*Although, Cars is arguably their first stinker. But it has its moments.

We’re having chili dogs and fries for dinner, gourmets that we are. :smiley: I may mow at least the front yard because it’s beginning to look like the neighborhood white trash lives at my house. Since the front yard is the one that’s a shame for the neighbors to see I should. Or not. I do foresee a dip in the pool and some beerverages in my near future.

Friday night is swimming night. I go swim at the rec center for an hour. Look forward to it every week!!!

Can I share a funny? My mom decided to make a gluten-free potato salad for me and called my boyfriend all in a panic because she didn’t know if a potato had wheat in it or not.

Mom, it’s a potato. A potato has potato in it. When i tried to explain this to her, she said, “don’t you get smart with me, missy!”

I heart my mom, but larf.


I’m surprised she wasn’t more seriously injured. The article in the Livonia Observer said the part weighed at least 100 pounds.

I don’t have any plans for tonight. Maybe bake some brownies and watch the gypsy wedding show?


I just climbed one of the tallest mountains in the lower 48!!


I am going to sit right here today. My gf can visit if she wants, but we’re moving in together starting tomorrow so she is probably packing. I am going to sit right here!!!

There’s an opening tonight at SMOCA - we’re going to go to it, and then stop on the way home and get some frozen yoghurt - the perfect way to end the week.

A friend and I are going to see a performance of Little Shop of Horrors. It’ll be a nice change of pace and I won’t have to cook dinner.