For the love of Pete, get this song outta my head!

Ok. I’ve tried everything. I’ve tried other songs, I’ve tried humming “la la la, connect the dots”, I’ve tried the radio. Right now I’m listening to Weezer’s green cd, in hopes to get this song out of my head.

For two weeks now, I’ve been humming it, singing it, listening to it on some internal radio station. I cannot take it any more. It’s like a bad karaoke bar in my head, with only one song to choose from.

I don’t even know what got it stuck in my head. I haven’t heard this song in years. Just one day, it popped up, and it’s been there ever since.

I’m scared that I’m going to go crazy from this song. I mean, who wouldn’t? I’m driving cow-orkers nuts with it. I’ve even tried belting it out in my office, trying to get it out of my mind. (And I work in a psychiatric hospital, so several of my cow-orkers are ready to send me to the adult wing.)

Gah! Even the Weezer cd isn’t doing anything, and I love this cd.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you:

The theme song to “The Love Boat”.


See!? It’s even fried my coding skills at the end of my post!


Couldn’t you give us the Anna Nicole theme song instead? Surely, it’s destined to be the Love Boat theme of the naughties. And Ms. Smith is most definitely a Pacific Princess (as in, she’s big enough to cruise in). Anyone wanna take a Valentine Voyage w/ Bobby Trendy?

P.S. You screwed your coding up! :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, great. Now it’s in my head, thankyouverymuch!

“Love, exciting and neeeeewwww. Come aboard; we’re exp…”

Awww, @#!%$!

Now what? I don’t even have a Weezer CD. I wonder if Diana Krall would work…

The only way to beat a bad song in your head is to think of a worse song. Try “Kumbaya” for starters.
Dammit, now “The Love Boat” is in MY head.

This is the song that doesn’t end.
Yes it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was.
And they’ll continue singing it forever just because…

Oh, the irony. :smiley:

Please…someone! Help me! (I don’t know the Anna Nicole theme song. I would rather chew on a dirty herpes-ridden jockstrap than watch her show.) Any suggestion would help, at this point.

“Don’t break my heart
My achey breaky heart…”

Nice try. “:P” was the smiley I was going for – the tongue sticks out way farther. :wink:

Kylie Minogue’s “Can’t Get You Outta My Head” is an obvious answer to your dilemma. I KNOW you’ve heard that one…

la la la, lala, lala, la. la la la, lala, lala, la…argh! :mad:

It’s a small world after all,
It’s a small world after all,
It’s a small world after all,
It’s a small, small world.

You’re welcome. :smiley:

Here’s the story…
Of a man named Brady…

Well for the past few weeks “The Cover of the Rolling Stone” has been trapped in my brain…well to be accurate a mondegreened version of the lyrics.

"Well we’re big rock singers, we’ve got toes and fingers (instead of golden fingers…)etc, etc, etc…

lieu, I think I’m the only person in America that hasn’t heard that song all the way through. Ever. (Thank goodness.)

pbr, nope. I don’t listen to pop music radio. I’ve heard the “la la la” part, but it’s not enough.

Scarlett, you may be on the right track, but is trading one addiction for another a good thing? Wouldn’t I just go crazy from the repetition later?

I’m about to drill a hole in my head.

:::envisions Captain Steubing welcoming people aboard, and runs for the hills:::


Don’t try and play that anti-pop/indie cred card with me! We went to high school together, remember!? Don’t make me mention our lunchtime Milli Vanilli dance routines in a public forum! :smiley:

My car stereo was jacked and I don’t listen to the radio at work, but I still can’t get the “la la’s” from that song outta my head – it was ubiquitous!

Do I need to pull out the big guns and reference songs that used to play over the PA at the Evil Galactic Discount Pharmacy in which we worked?

Who in the blazes is this PETE guy and why do you love him and NOT ME!!?!?!?!!!?!
Try singing ‘You’re the one that I want’ (and think about me when you do).

Two suggestions:

“Ninety-nine red balloons…”


“I am Henry the Eighth, I am.”

What I hate is when you know the tune but not the words and you have to make up your own. My personal ditty makes me cringe but I don’t know how it’s suppossed to go…

Jesus Christ, Superstar
Who in the hell do you think you are?


A month or two back, I had the same problem. Consider “Boogie-woogie Bugle Boy”, complete with a segue into a chorus of “In the Mood”. (Yes, it does work!) For days. Waking and sleeping - I dreamed about it once, including the dance number during the break. I managed to cure it by listening to lots of bluegrass and country. YMMV.


You’ve done it now! She HATES Grease and hates when the songs are mentioned/sung/referenced/quoted/mimed in casual conversation and now, by association, she’s gonna hate YOU!

(Pete knows better)

oh, and Zebra? I’m kidding. Well, sorta – about the hating you part, anyways. You knew that, right?