The time: my freshman year of college.
The place: my friend’s boyfriend’s room.
The background info: My friend and I used to hang out in her BF’s room, because he had a futon and a large TV. He was roommates with a guy, we’ll call him Andy. Andy, meanwhile, had a girlfriend who we’ll call Erica. Andy and Erica were very sexual, and items like handcuffs and whatnot would appear in the room regularly. So…
The scene: We were all watching a movie late at night, when Andy and Erica retired to their upper bunk, curtained-off bed. Pretty soon curious noises start coming out from behind the curtain, and those of us below were feeling both embarrassed and annoyed. All of the sudden, there was a huge thud right next to me (closest to the bed), and I looked over to see a plastic leg lying on the floor. Without thinking, I gasped, “Is that a leg?!”, wondering what in the hell kind of kinky purpose they were using that for.
Turned out Erica had lost her real leg in an accident seven years earlier, but I had never known she had a false leg. I guess it fell off as they were getting intimate. To this day my friends will occasionally say, “Is that a leg?”.