This is for the discussion of the TV show as its own entity. The books do not exist in this thread. No book comparisons, references, anything.
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I felt sorry for Sansa; she seemed to be doing well until that arranged marriage. But Theon seemed to be watching her; is he going to break out of his brainwashed state? It’d be nice to see Ramsay Bolton finally get his comeuppance.
Certainly made up for any lack of nudity in previous episodes w/ this one. Also put to bed any speculation that they’re trying to balance out the male vs. female nudity.
Am I correct in understanding that that fellow at the Faceless Man Academy of Kung Fu wound up dead after [del]Jaqen[/del] No One gave him the coconut of water? I watch at a friend’s place, and am always dealing w/ dogs wanting my attention, so I miss things here and there.
I don’t think there was an actual wedding yet, was there? At this point, I fully expect either Stannis or Jon Snow or both to show up just I n time to stop an actual wedding.
Good episode. Very intriguing. I was wondering though - isn’t Sansa still married? Do they not consider marriage to a Lannister binding in the North?
I’m very curious what Cersei’s plans for the cult are. They don’t seem like they have a lot of power, but perhaps their numbers are greater than it appears.
This was mentioned on the show. Since the marriage between Sansa and Tyrion was never consummated (i.e. she is still a virgin), the marriage is considered null and void per the laws of the land and she is free to marry again. This is sort of the same deal with how Margaery is now on her third royal wedding. She never slept with Renly or Joffrey, so she would still be seen as eligible to be married again. (This is not to say Margaery was a virgin before her wedding to Tommen… The show has strongly implied she was not, but the public at large believes her previous marriages were not consummated, which still makes her worthy of marrying the king). The difference in Sansa’s case, of course, is that Tyrion is still alive, but considering his current outlaw status, separation from Sansa and non-consummation of the marriage, the laws of the land seem to allow her to marry again
It was, of course, a complete coincidence that Jorah just happened to be in a brothel that prominently featured a Daenerys lookalike.
The whore mongering was cracking me up this episode. I laughed out loud at the Daenerys cosplaying prostitute’s sassy comeback of “because I’m magic.” The High Septon’s blasphemous antics were a nice touch, and did anyone else notice how adamant Grand Maester Pycelle was that there should not be a precedent established for punishing high ranking officials for patronizing prostitutes?
It was also nice to see Jon get a little bit of revenge for Ned’s execution. And I liked the small dose of mentoring that Stannis gave Jon.
So Jorah gets to carry Tyrion through a crowded brothel to who knows where, and nobody intervenes?
Poor Sansa. Girl can’t buy a break. Betrothed to one monster, then a kindly freak, now another monster. Probably foolishly optimistic of me to hope there’s something to that “the North remembers” thing…
No Danerys this episode, well except for the whore version… Has that happened before?
Littlefinger accent seems to have stopped wavering now, and is completely irish now?
Sansa being married to flayboy? That kind of doesn’t make sense to me. It’s pretty much going to rile up Cersei and given that the Boltons are wardens of the north because of the Lannisters (of course via Tywin, but still), seems to be a completely idiot move…
“The north remembers”! Yay! Got a teeshirt which says that.
I’m really hoping that Littlefinger’s comment to Sansa “Avenge your family” is not the long term plan of revenge: Have a son by Ramsey, kill Roose and make it look like old age, when the boy is old enough then kill Ramsey and proclaimed the boy King of the North or something that takes 10 years. I’m hoping the North Remembers gets some of this done a little faster than that.
On to Arya, how many things No One could not give up have been hidden in that wall over the years? It seems just too convenient a hiding place for her to be the first No One to think of it.
How well thought out is Margaery’s end game? She wants to be The Queen, but getting Cersei out of King’s Landing is going to leave a power vacuum. Is she going to call back her grandmother to fill it? She needs someone who can both think and plan long term and who is good with money since the country is broke. If Margaery becomes pregnant she can parlay that into much longer term power and safety from Cersei’s wheels within wheels games. Keeping Cersei around as someone who the people can hate and blame for the problems might be a better idea then trying to send her back to Casterly Rock.
A few times. The two major combat setpieces (Battle of Blackwater and the fight at the wall) come to mind, but there has also been at least one “normal” episode with no Dany. Now two.