Game: The A to Z of haiku

Many men might make
marvelous money mostly
marketing Mentos.

Nervous Nellie needs
New netted negligee now
No nookie, Nathan.

Ornery oxen
Often obstruct ocelots
On Okinawa.

Pam pummeled Peter,
prancing perversely; Peter
pondered protection.

Quick, quaint, queer Quincy
questioned quality quotas
quoting quirky quips.

Russian Rasputin
Regaled royal Romanovs
Regularly, right?

Sly, slithering serpents
so silently slipped Southward
Some swans saw something

Tammy told Tracy:
“Tope twenty tequilas, then
take two Tylenol.”

Used unicycle,
ukelele, unitard
uniform, useless

Victorious Vince
Values violent vixens
very viciously.

Wild Willy’s Wet Works
Washes wheels wonderfully
While Willy Whistles

Xanthic xenagogues
Xerograph xenophilic
Xiphoid xenurines

(…and yes, that actually makes a complete sentence…)

Yemeni youngster!
Yesterday you yammered, yet
Yanked Yevgeny’s yurt.

zebra zaniness
zipping zippers zinging, Zounds!
Zambonis zig-zag

I cannot believe this thread hs gotten so long. I woke up with the idea and the first haiku in my brain. It should also get an award for “Haikus using words with the most syllabels ever”

An angry aardvark
allowed all armadillos
anixous advancement.

Big bouncing boobies
bare-breasted beach-bound boobies
big beautiful birds

Crimson Cadillacs
Cruising Cuban country clubs –
Coolly classic cars!

Does Dudley Dooright
demonstrate democratic
duties during day?

Even elderly
editors explain Easter
eggs eloquently.

Far from fantasy,
folks fear fibromyalgia.
Fight for fun feelings.