
Sealemon, in the company of Ayesha and The LION, just dropped me off after a thorough debriefing of Byzantine. She’s a honey and a piece of work. A handful, but enjoyable. Ya gonna dispute me on that, dear? Pictures were taken, fun was had, and I’ve got the list.

This is a preliminary post as mr. beatle, at 14 beers, still holds the record for alcohol consumption at a Houston SD meeting (it was close). The mutually agreed upon format is stream of consciousness and we will see such when (and if) I wake up.

You are a better man than I am, and I REALLY mean that !

That you were able to post that after you got home is amazing.

Don’t forget to list you know what , that we said about you know who.

Ayesha - Lioness

There are two solutions to every problem : the wrong one, and mine
(Thomas A. Edison)

Yeah, they debreifed me – can I have my panties back now?

A honey? I don’t know about that but yes, I’m a handful.

I had a great time! In fact I really didn’t want the evening to end. When I get home I’ll post a topic called Byzantine’s Great Adventure and tell everyone all the gory details.

So, how much are you folks going to pay to keep this stuff OFF the board? Oh, wait, I need to pay YOU don’t I. Damn! :wink:


Byz: I take all major credit cards, but I prefer checks.

I had an even better time this time around, even though we couldn’t find a Sacred Armadillo.

What I find amazing is that we didn’t get tossed out of the resturant. I figured that after we chased the second senior citizen’s group out of our area with our talk of industrial vibrators, that we were gonna be out on our ears.

Only thing that would make it better would be to get more victim–errr, Dopers, to join us.

So, too all you local lurkers out there, getcher asses out to the next meeting!

I promise that the initiation is short and relatively painless.

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

Bzy is even more fun in person than she is on the board, even though I hate her for having good veins. (No you don’t want to know !)

I was wondering who the second pair of panties I had on when I got home belonged to.
I’m just glad they didnt belong to on of the guys ! :wink: . Just remember when people start telling lies, I mean posting THEIR version of what happened. That I paid you my protection chocolate up front.

I saw the armadillo, he was hanging out in the ladies room with the walrus and the knights in white satin. Of course none of them had any pants on !

Ayesha - Lioness

There are two solutions to every problem : the wrong one, and mine
(Thomas A. Edison)

Ah shit ! Byz, Byz. I did proof read, and still let the Bzy slip through.

It must have been that you know what that I had still affecting me.

Please forgive me , please don’t hurt me.

Oh, and Lion is still asleep. I think his liver refuses to allow him to wake up until it has had enough time to filter the rum out.

Ayesha - Lioness

There are two solutions to every problem : the wrong one, and mine
(Thomas A. Edison)

I think I have detoxed enough to make sense.
I have to say HouDope#2 was even better than #1.
Thanks to sealemon88 for providing the transportation.
Byzantine is a great person who is a blast to be around and damm good looking to boot!
She has been declared an honorary Houstonian and every boby is looking forward to the next time she returns.
Beatle which has more alcohol 14 beers or 10 rum and cokes ?
More later.
t lion

" I Wonder What Happens When I push THIS Button? "

Or maybe not.
change boby to body

t lion

" I Wonder What Happens When I push THIS Button? "

I’m not sure - I think either combination has sufficient alcohol.

Sufficient for what?

Yup. I went there.

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

You sure that wasn’t knights in white Satan?

Sorry! Geeze, is one little butt joke that bad, I ass-k you?


You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

When’s the next one? I do plan on making it to one of these, eventually.

HouDope3 will be Sunday, Dec. 19th.

More to follow.

About the panties…never mind

You really , really don’t want to know about the panties, I promise you don’t.

Sealemon, you are grounded for life for that horrid pun.

Oh, anything Lion tells you about me having on a union suit with smily faces in Santa caps tonight is a lie. Don’t believe him.
( All of you who have seen me IRL, don’t try to picture this, for your own sakes don’t )

Ayesha - Lioness

There are two solutions to every problem : the wrong one, and mine
(Thomas A. Edison)

Cessandra is really annoyed.
She really wanted to go to the meeting.
She was in town and had a ride.
But NOBODY ever said where it was!!!


Why sex is better than religion: No need to rest on Sundays!


Sorry about that.
Heck I didn’t even know where we were going to go and I was the nagavator.
They (beatle,sealemon88 and ayesha) were playing it close to the vest.
For a while there I thought they were taking me for “The Ride” and in a couple of weeks my body would be found floating in a bayou somewhere. :slight_smile:
The date is set for the next one already,it will be on Dec.19,99 in honor of Satan being in the city, hopefully that date will not be a problem for you.
We will let you in on “The Plan” then(if you survive).
Btw The Nerd you are welcome to join us on that date, stay in touch for further details.
Till Then

t lion

" I Wonder What Happens When I push THIS Button? "

On the 19th I should be in town staying with friends. Keep me informed, ok? I want to meet you guys!

That should have said Navagator.

Will do.

t lion

" I Wonder What Happens When I push THIS Button? "

Cessandra: < hangs head in shame >.

I’m sorry for that. I wound up being the unofficial organizer of this meeting, and just getting everyone (Esp. That lazy Lion guy. Geeze, you’d think he was hibernating!) to agree on the day was tough.

We didn’t decide where to go until we rounded everyone up.

We will do a much better job of planning next time, m’kay?

We wanna meet ya too, even if ya do mispronounce your name. It’s a hard “C”, damn it! OK, OK, I just keep thinking of it that way. < sigh >

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.