That basically sums it up. Lately, my GF seems very distant from me. She just moved into a new apartment, before that she lived in her dorm room. For the week and a half before she moved in, she was spending nights with me. She moved in last weekend, and has spent all her nights there since. I have seen her four times since then.
The first and second times I went there of my own accord, after calling a few times and her never answering her cell, or it being off (her apartment has no phone yet.) While I was there, she didn’t talk to me very much at all (she usually does.) The second time she was putting together furniture, everytime I tried to help, she told me to stop, and semeed to get very annoyed. In addition, both times, she has been very against me touching her and kissing her. In fact, the first time, as I was leaving, I bent in to kiss her, and she purposfully moved her head so that I would kiss her on the cheek. I tell her I love her, and she just nods, says ‘uh-huh’, maybe softly mumbles back that she loves me, certainly not what she used to do (which would be to say it back in a loving manner.)
The third time I saw her was to help her find her cat, who had gotten out. (Luckily he was only hiding on top of the refigerator.) No real weirdness there, because ther was really no time. After cat was found, I basically just left then. This was probably the closet to normal she was, because we did talk a little like we usually do.
The last time I just stopped in briefly, to see if she wanted to see the newest episode of Buffy that was on tonight, She doesn’t have a TV, so it required me bring her here. She said she was to busy, and to have me record it, and maybe later in the week we could get together.
I called a few times yesterday and went there, but she was never there (not to mention never there the first few times I went over thhe few times I saw her.) Same thing today. I called, left a message, went there a few times, not there. I called one last time, around 9:45 (last time I checked to see if she was there was around 8:45.) She was there, but just went to bed.
I am very concerned that she is acting so weird. Last time she acted like this was last fall before we went on a break. During said break, she saw another guy. Then she broke up with me. We got back together after she said she made a mistake, and so forth. I tok her back, and everything has been fine until now. I fear one of two things, or both.
- She is thinking about ending the relationship.
- She is seeing someone else, and by someone else, the only person I could possibly think it would be would be the same person it was before.
I wouldn’t think the second part were true if it wasn’t for the fact that she is never in her apartment, and never answers her phone. She also doesn’t have a car or even a license, so she doesn’t have many places she can even go to, and not even she can spend that much times with her roommates. Now, it’s fairly easy to deal with the first problem, we can just talk. But I can’t think of any way to express my concern that she might be cheating on me without sounding accusatory, thus making what problems we might have that much worse. Of course, even if she is, she might not be likely to come forth with it anyways, and then still get made that I was accusing her.
Any suggestions on what to do?