How hot is it-and discourse doesn't like the title so here are some more words that I can share

Twenty miles south of San Jose, California. It’s 1:12 p.m. as I type, and it’s a mere 89 degrees. It’s supposed to hit 94 degrees later this afternoon, and go up to 103 tomorrow.

Heat waves depress and oppress me terribly. The planet is cooking and there’s no way to get off. It’s horrible.

I live in Omaha NE, about 45 miles East and a little North of @BippityBoppityBoo. It is 4.00pm and it is 93 degrees. It is also very humid.

from the weather pop up on my pc :





Expect partly sunny skies. The high will reach 111° on this breezy day.




4 mph


9.9 mi




29.82 in




It’s around 2:10 p.m. in the central Coast Range of Oregon. 72F/22C.

I got my mowing done early before it got hot. (Kidding. The windows are all open and I’m enjoying the lovely breeze.)

I can still remember visiting my folks in Sun City AZ in the mid 70s shortly after they retired there. It was 93F at 3:00 am.

Its a little cooler today, only 103 at 2:50pm. I just filled up the bird feeder and noticed that the commercial melt-proof suet has melted.

I always feel sorry for the folks in the Valley of the Sun this time of year. They are in a concrete wasteland. The buildings and roads soak up the heat all day long and then release it at night which keeps the temp up.

It is, as forecast, 47C (117F) here in Las Vegas; the thermometer in the shade on my back porch actually says 118F right now.

113F @ 8pm last nite, central Phoenix

Make it “partner” and you’ve got a :trophy:

90F 5000 feet from the ocean in Northern California

72F in San Francisco as usual. Still saving our 15 days over 90F for September.

I’ve been in SF in the summer. That’s a heat wave.

I live on the western shore of Lake Michigan. The other week it was 95 here, then the breeze shifted and it was 68 in about 2 minutes. That happens a lot. We went 100 feet west, away from the lake and it was 95 again.

It’s supposed to be 90 or so tomorrow, but that’s forecast for the nearby inland town. Might be 60 here, might be 90 or more. we’ll see.

Pretty pleasant here in the Piedmont of North Carolina. Currently 69F at 9:30 pm and tomorrow’s high is only supposed to be 81F.

9pm, Lincoln, Nebraska. 94 degrees, down from 104. Still in a heat advisory. Kind of glad I got my AC fixed last week.

South Arkansas.
At 3pm we passed a bank with a temp. and time sign. It said the temp was 77f. I looked on my phone and the car thingy. They both said 98f.
Can’t trust a bank for anything it seems.:smirk:

Colorado Front Range

9:26pm, just dropped to 83 degrees.
Was 98 during the afternoon.
101 projected for tomorrow.

Too hot to snark about global warming.

It didn’t use to be like this. When we bought this place three years ago, we went to the local nursery to discuss male mulberry trees. During the discussion, watering came up and hubs said that we used to have one and it did just fine without being watered. I reminded him that was 20 years ago and that it rained a lot more back then. Everyone nodded in agreement, even the young people.

Got my multimeter out and did some temperature readings in my apartment:

9:10 am western Helsinki, Finland, near coast:

Livingroom floor 21 C (70 F)
Livingroom eyelevel 25 C (77 F)
Toilet floor 23 C (73 F)
Toilet eyelevel 26 C (79 F)
Kitchen floor 23 C (73 F)
Kitchen eyelevel 25 C (77 F)
Bedroom floor 20 C (68 F)
Bedroom eyelevel 23 C (73 F)
Outside 20 C (68 F)

Bedroom window is open. Venetian blinds still in winter mode eg. filaments are outside up inside down so maximising light intake. It seems like it’s time to turn those puppies into summer mode 25 C is quite high.

High desert (above about 3,500 feet) does that, low desert does not, and Sky Harbor is about 1,250 feet. Yuma is 140 feet and they’re the ones we feel sorry for.

I used to leave for work at 4am and there were a couple times when it was still over 100. Low to mid 90s were quite common in the summer.