I am sick of all these Gay Black Men!!!

No Coke! Pepsi!

It’s o.k. to like “Coke” and “Pepsi”, y’know-we won’t hold it against you.

Given the drive-by nature of the OP, I suspect she is, in fact, insufficiently legit to avoid quitting.

I’d be surprised if we ever see a second post from her.

Well, I can kinda understand the ire. It’s really the sense of entitlement that rankles. Instead of being satisfied to be “gay”, “black”, or a “man”, or even just two of the three, they have to go for the trifecta.

It’s just greedy, is what I say! :mad:

I didn’t realize that there was a noble tradition here of new arrivals providing fresh new insights on contemporary issues, but I’m on it now. I’m preparing a historical treatise on the subject of “Gay Black Muslims Who Have Become President of the US”. I haven’t decided whether it should be in ALL CAPS or the more formal presentation with no caps at all except for Important Words, but it will have the requisite plethora of exclamation marks and full citations from “Infowars”. Coming soon. You’re welcome.

You all seem to be enjoying yourselves. But I bet it’ll be more fun in the Pit.

As a gay man, I was ready to get on board with the OP and hear her out, but then I realized that I’m not black. :frowning:

How does the OP feel about gay white men?

Unfortunately, “white man” initializes to “WM”, which is, at most, a garbage company.

TL;DR. Did it cite that scholarly report “Eat the Poopoo?”

Sounds like someone’s having a case of the Tuesdays.

I’m Partial To Pooh Capitals, Myself.

Forgive me for spewing data here, and I know you’re unlikely to ever see this, but I sort of feel like tilting at a windmill today, as there are four papers to write, three doctors to call and two Medicare packets (and a Partridge in a Pear Tree) I should be doing right now that I’m procrastinating.

That’s backwards, dear. 1968 was the year the “man in the house” rule was found unconstitutional and struck down. By 1969, every state allowed a man in the house of welfare recipients, and it’s allowed in every state to this day. So I hope that really isn’t what you’re hanging your whole treatise on.

Oh, and Stupid Argument is Stupid.

Yeah but “black man” becomes BM which is shorthand for bowel movement.

Read an article this morning defending Woody Allen (big fan) and it was even longer. Weird how I could get through one and not the other. One of life’s little mysteries, I guess.

Legitimately something…

This may be my favorite thread ever.

This OP made me think in leetspeak!

Teh suxxor!

I find it interesting that a black boy who grows up without a father will be turning into a homosexual. Doesn’t seem to matter WHY dad is gone, the impact on his son is homosexuality. :dubious:

I’d like to see that study, please.

Black boy with dad at home = straight
Black boy with dad killed in accident = gay
Black boy with dad who divorced mother = gay
Black boy with dad who got lost on the way home from work = gay

OP hasn’t come back, but it’s only been 4 hours.

There do exist people who believe that Obama has had gay lovers murdered to keep them from going to the press and blowing the whistle. :dubious: That the men in question were murdered is easy to verify, although whether they were gay is something only they would know for sure. And I have yet to see one of these stories on any news source, legitimate or not; it’s all on blogs.

And there was that guy who claimed during the 2008 campaign that he gave Obama a BJ at some time, but he was known to have mental health issues (duh) and has also claimed to do the same thing to other very heterosexual public figures.

As for black men being on the down low, that is a very real problem. I can think of several black women who only wanted to date other black men, but opened up their options because they just couldn’t find a single black man in the age group they wanted who was fully straight. But the OP is totally mistaken as to how people of any race become gay.

Paging Garrett Morris…

Totally off-topic only not really, a friend of mine, who happens to be black, has a number of gay black friends and relatives. After hearing her mention the fifth or sixth one, I asked her if she knew any straight black men, and it took her three days to remember one. True story.

Allen finally came out as a gay black man?