I pit my life....

This’ll be short and sweet. This is something that I KNOW I will regret doing later, but fuck it, I’m in a mood…

I hate my life. Every single part of it. Every part I am awake, every part I am asleep, every part I have to live with myself, my decisions, my reactions, and everything that encompasses the life I live.

I hate it

I hate it

It will never get better, and I have so much more to live…

Could you please be more specific?

May I humbly submit that you are in control of what’s going on around you? Certain things will take more work to change than others, but if the willpower is there, the potential to change is there as well.

I know it can be tough, so I do wish you the best of luck and we’ll all be here if you need any more words of encouragement.

I bet you’re regretting posting this already :smiley:

At the risk of being chastised for giving medical advice, I’m going advise you to see a doctor for depression.

I am sorry to hear things are looking so low for you - I hope they improve soon.

I hear you brother. I’ve been having much the same thoughts lately – been having some very frustrating weeks. In fact, the other night I sat staring at the wall for about an hour reviewing the various ways in which I’ve fucked up over the course of my life.

So … I did the only thing I could do. I got up in the morning and gave it another shot. Doesn’t always work, but it’s better than the alternative.

Good luck.

Firstly you do have this interesting message board.

Secondly things do get better. I was grief-stricken when both my parents died within a month, but now I cherish their memory and do things I enjoy.

I say that although you shouldn’t wallow in self-pity is IS ok to swish your feet a little. My personal treatment for the “God, I hate my life” times is to do just that and more. I sit and contemplate all the horrible, awful things in my life and wallow in self pity until it gets SO over the top that it makes me laugh. You have to go ALL OUT for this to work. Pile it on high. Make sure you blow everything out of proportion…WAY out.

I know it’s silly…but it works.

you know it’s time for you to buy an accoustic guitar, learn how to play 4 chords and head down to your local open mic night.

It’s either that or start buying leather trousers.

To me the worst thing about depression is not feeling horrible, but rather the hopelessness. Being in pain is bad enough, but to think that it will ALWAYS be that way is very hard to bear. But it really won’t always be like that. The sooner you can get help the better, but in the meantime try to find one tiny thing that brings you pleasure or at least makes you less miserable. It can even be the feeling of going to the bathroom when you REALLY have to go. Ok, maybe that’s a dumb example but that feeling of relief is the thing to focus on. The fact that you can feel that at all means that you may feel that way about something else soon.

That’s one of the biggest delusions going. However, feel free to use it to make yourself feel better.

Me, I just live my life as much as possible through fantasy. I just cannot tell you how much better it is than coping with reality.

Drugs and alcohol are helpful too.

Sounds like it sucks to be you.

Yes, one can actually control one’s destiny. Stopping playing the victim and actually making positive changes is a good thing, and hardly delusional.

I’m not a victim. I don’t have the delusion that I control much of anything outside of myself. Certainly not my cats. I have a pretty solid lock on my shoes, though.

But you control everything inside yourself, right? That’s huge.

I found out Friday I have a pretty well behaved colon, having experienced my first colonscopy. If you and your colon get along, there’s not much more you can ass for. :stuck_out_tongue:

I once thought as you did (yes I most certainly really did), and it turned out not to be true-at all. I got so attached to my suffering that it was all that I knew. Expand your horizons, realign your axis, reconfabulate your worldview. And be creative about it.

I’ll buy the third ticket for this train. I don’t care if people think it’s a pity party. Life is overwhelming right now and I’m hanging on by my fingernails.

I giggled at that.

I think virtually everyone has hate-my-life moments. Lord knows I do - and they seem to increase exponentially in the days before tests or the last few weeks before the end of the semester. And I sure as hell have a lot of questions I need to answer, plans I need to make, and responsibilities I need to take on. It can be overwhelming, almost crushing - so many people expect you to do so many things, and do them well, and consistently, and in a timely manner. It’s not hard to reach the point where you feel like the rest of the world is micromanaging your life and you’ve become impotent, a means to the end for those around you. I come from a family that, going back three generations, are ALL college-educated, postgraduates, with Masters or PhD’s in highly technical fields - parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, you name it. Graduates from Cronell, Oxford, Harvard, etc. I frequently feel like I only exist to live up to their expectations of yet another Magna Cum Laude (or better) engineering major, and boy, does that SUCK.

And of course that’s only one aspect of hate-my-life syndrome. You mentioned dealing wit your decisions, and yeah, that’s another big one. The coulda-shoulda-woulda’s. Maybe you have romantic problems, wondering if you missed a golden opportunity with a possible significant other at some point in your past, or if you settled for someone who you don’t really care for because it was “better than nothing”. Maybe you have friend troubles - backstabbing turncoats who will manipulate and exploit you for their own benefit, or who mock you behind your back, or who simply aren’t close enough to you to give a shit when you’re going through a rough spot. Maybe you have parent issues, for whatever reason. Maybe you regret the major you chose in college, or maybe you regret going to college, or not going. Who knows. Maybe you did go, but regret not working hard enough, getting bad grades and hurting your career prospects. Maybe you hate your job - maybe it’s dull and tedious, a steady stream of repetative bullshit for which you recieve neither credit nor appreciation except in the form of a too-small paycheck. Maybe your boss is a colossal dick, or your coworkers are ignorant, lazy SOB’s who make you do all of their work. Maybe, just maybe, you feel like you’ve done the whole “life” thing wrong - fucked up your education, got a shitty job, fell into unsatisfying relationships, and are going nowhere and doing nothing.

But you know what? YOU control all of the above. YOU control who you associate with outside of work. YOU control who your friends are, who you date/marry. YOU can choose to go back to school, if the issue lies there - online classes if your life is a busy one. YOU control where you work - you can find a new job, and YOU can choose what field you work in. YOU, above all else, control which situations you choose to place yourself in. If they’re not making you happy, put yourself in different situations. It can be hard to see at times, but YOU have significantly more power to affect your own happiness than most people realize - so take advantage of that! Try new things! meet new people! Find stuff that makes you happy, and incorporate what you find into your life! If nothing else, finding some stuff - people, hobbies, food, whatever - that you enjoy, will help make the difficult-to-impossible-to-change parts of your life more bearable. Maybe you can’t leave your shitty job because the economy is fucked six ways to Sunday, but if you’ve got something to look foreward to when the salt mines close for the day, it becomes just a bit more bearable.

Personally? I like to assert my control over my own life in small, silly ways. I like to dress in rediculous outfits, because I can. I sometimes wear a costume tail around campus, and every Tuesday I wear a different silly hat to class, and I dress in eccentric getups on a daily basis, because I can. I hang out with all the strange people on campus, because they’re interesting and funny and because they’re not the people I’m SUPPOSED to hang out with. I go out with my friends and plaster Academic Row with chalk drawings, because I can. We painted “Hammer Time!” on all the stopsigns on campus, because we could. Nothing earth-shattering, but it helps me to remember that I do have some power over my own life, and that’s enough to get me by.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to panicking about exams.

Peace, I understand what you’re saying, but I’m really not going for pity myself. I was sincere in my advice … get up every morning and give life a shot. More often than not lately (for me anyway) it seems like an uphill battle, but I don’t plan on chucking it in either.

Hell, just change up the way you do things. Shower, shit, and shave? Try shaving first. Coffee with cream and sugar? Drink it black. Or have tea.

Petty little stuff, I know. But it can be incredibly empowering.