I Suppose There Should Be A MMP

Drove from Prescott AZ to Las Vegas VA on Saturday to pick my mother up at the airport and had lunch with a beautiful young niece.

Spent the extra time to stop and take pics.

Took Mom to Colton CA, where we didn’t have hotel reservations because she was planning to stay with her other granddaughter and family drama happened. I was thinking we were going to end up sleeping in my car because all the hotels were full.

There was a lot of frustration happening because Mom is having memory problems and some family members are rather dysfunctional.

So, as long as we were sitting around waiting for things to happen, I ticked the HP Lovecraft Historical Museum in Glendale CA off my bucket list.

I called in advance and learned that they were indeed open to the public again, but when I arrived the closed sign was still up. I peered in the windows and drooledcalled their number to see on the glass for about 15 minutes then Mom got embarrassed and I called them to see when the door would open.

The very nice man who answered told me that they were recording a pod cast, but he would let me in. True to his word, he came right out, opened the door then explained that they were still recording and would need the back door closed because of the noise, but I could feel free to look around.

When I was done pawing their priceless and irreplaceable collection, I left five bucks by the beautiful antique cash register and locked the door on my way out.

It was the high point of my stressful trip.