Infidelity experiences: ever cheat or been cheated on?

I’m curious, cacophonist’s only posts were in this thread, and now she’s banned? Huh?

I, myself, figured she was a sock.

Though her virile young boy-toy could be a mod, and that’d just be too weird.

During my drinking, drugging days I cheated every chance I got. I even cheated on the women I was cheating with while they were cheating on me. I wasn’t cheating with terribly moral women, obviously; nor did they pick a constant heart when they picked me. After ten years with my darling Marcie, I honestly cannot even have a fantasy about another woman. I mean that literally.

In college, I was still in a long distance realationship that started when I was 16.

I cheated every year of college except for senior year and summers when she was living with me. No defense for it. . .just would get drunk and fool around with chicks in the dorm. Some sex. Plenty of other minor sessions.

My junior year I lived downstairs from a hottie and whenever we got drunk together we’d wind up sucking and fucking, and she really fell for me. Told me she loved me one night. We got on really good, but I was pretty committed to this other girl (believe it or not), and the possibility always remained that we might get married.

I expect she cheated on me some, too, but no proof.

Still, that’s a world different than cheating on a spouse. I haven’t. She hasn’t. And neither of us ever will, I guarantee it.

You sound like a person with a rotted soul.

Oddly enough, that date was also the date my then-boyfriend had his new girlfriend stay over for the first time…and POSSIBLY was considering telling me they’d been seeing eachother for a good while.

It was definitely one of the darkest times in my life. The worst part for me was just feeling so mad at myself for being so blind. It was my first “grown up” relationship and I was playing it by ear.

Thanks to him I became pretty bitter and un-trusting. But I gave the next guy the benefit of the doubt, and while he didn’t cheat on me he emotionally abused me enough to add to my bitterness and rage.

I keep plodding on with guys but am learning to be a lot more aware of what they’re up to. It sucks to have to feel this way. You can really get yourself screwed up pretty bad in the head when you’re cheated on.

I cannot see the benefits of cheating, and would never consider doing it myself. Right now I’m with a guy who feels the same way…so I hope.

I’m actually beginning to like this guy… :eek:

I can’t even cheat on my wife in my dreams.

The first time it happened I was with a hot asian chick that was squirming on a big bed with legs spread. The dream-view was amazing and I was going to dive into that tongue first. I got into the bed, moved her legs into a better position, started to lean forward…


Jumped out of bed, hit the door and woke up.

This happens about once or twice a year, the most recent about a week ago.

And the thing is, I wish I could have an erotic dream. A lucid one. Just go to sleep, fuck all I want, and wake up with sticky sheets.

But no. I gotta love my wife even in my REM.



I had a couple of relationships in college, then a long-distance romance with the wonderful girl I married 16 years ago. Still going strong. Never cheated, never cheated upon (as far as I know, but I trust her implicitly). I swore a vow when we got married, and I stand by my word.

Not that I don’t admire other beautiful women now and then…

I did cheat on Mr. Neville in a dream last night, and I’m feeling guilty about it today :frowning: Be careful what you wish for- you might get it…

I haven’t finished the thread yet, so I apologize if somebody’s said it already, but: HOLY SHIT. That is so awesome.

Interestingly, many guys who are habitual cheaters are also very possessive of their SO in a psycho way. I think part of it is they are worried about their SO doing the same, but the real reason is that they cheat because they have low self esteame and feel they need to bang lots of women to measure up (so to speak).

Then there are guys who just really like women and haven’t found just one to settle down with. I have a friend like that. He doesn’t talk a lot of shit about how much “pussy he nailed” but he’s alway getting with some girl or another. If you are a girl who dates him after he’s already hooked up with your best friend, your sister and half the girls you know, you really only have yourself to blame when he cheats on you. In fact one time he was dating this girl off and on for a year (like off and on six times a day sometimes) and they basically ended up in a battle who could cheat on the other the most times out of spite (he won). But for the most part these are very superficial relationships.

Ah, of course. Your position is becoming more clear: Cheating’s OK as long as the person who does it has a penis of their own, right?

Right, because his GF knows his sexual history through her use of psychic power. Or maybe Spider-Sense?

But it’s her fault anyway, because she’s the one with the vagina. End of story, right?

No, but he did carry on with her, i.e. going to bars and to each other’s houses with her in tow, and she told everyone what was going on, so they definitely all knew. As for me, I conspicuously left a party with this guy and I don’t think anyone had any doubts as to what was going on.

Although I have gotten it on in front of other people. Just not that time. :slight_smile:

This post is astoundingly short on vital details.

You should know that personal insults do not belong in IMHO.

You are warned.

Note to self: do not cross Blanche.

Yeah, that’s what I said :rolleyes:

What if a guy came in here and said “my girlfriend cheated on me so I methodically banged every woman she knew and called her a whore?” You would say that he was nuts! And you would be RIGHT!

Blanche’s husband or whatever he was sounds like a jerk too. But the appropriate response would have been to say “well fuck that prick” go cry into a bowl of ice cream with your friends and move on with your life. Not to stalk everyone she knows.

See…sometimes her in the real world, people have a network of what we call “friends and acquaintances”. Unlike or MySpace or whatever, people develop a reputation based on how they interact with those people. So while a girl might not know his sexual history because of her lack of psychic powers, she might know about it because they might be in the same circle of friends.

I guess a vagina is a free pass for acting like a vengefull psycho when you feel slighted.

Look, half the time the only reason people get upset when they were cheated on is their ego is bruised. They figured their SO was the shit and all of a sudden reality hit them that things weren’t so great after all. People don’t say “I’m so hurt he/she cheated on me”. They say “That fucking bastard/bitch cheated on me!!! How DARE he/she!!” At least they found someone they liked better. How much more does it suck when someone says “no, there isn’t anyone else…I’d rather be ALONE than be with you”?

But it might pay off for you if your friend crosses her :wink:

I would say he was nuts because I believe cheating is wrong no matter what the justification, and that it’s sad and wrong when people deal with problems with revenge plots instead of being an adult and solving the problem directly (ie by dumping the cheater); we seem to agree on that latter point, but in the same post you called a cheater’s wife a nutjob but wrote a free pass for your friend who seems to have no purpose in life other than to get his pencil wet. He’s just doing his thing, and any girl who voluntarily goes out with him is a dumbass, and it’s all their fault.

You can take your patronizing attitude and shove it. Just because I don’t spend all day building shrines to people who stick their penis into everything that moves doesn’t mean I need the Internet to find dates.

Why do you assume that her friends wanted to tell her those details? People are generally less aware of the “reputations” of members of the opposite gender than of members of the same gender, IME.

No, but apparently it soaks up blame like a sponge, because it seems to be the woman’s fault no matter which partner cheats.


Shouldn’t the note be to get someone you’ve involved with to cross Blanche, so she’ll take her revenge on them by doing you?

It wouldn’t work with most people - they couldn’t bed everyone they knew.

If the guy measured his self-worth by bedding women, and it sounds like he did, she kicked his ass hard.

Blanche’s response works for me. And I don’t just say that because I suspect I’m a buddy of her husband and she forgot to fuck me. No-siree. That’s JUST a coincindence.

::surreptitiously emailing Blanche my contact info::
