Iowa Caucuses are underway

D 87% reporting
Clinton 50%
Sanders 49%

However Sanders has more delegates, 20 to Clinton’s 19. Not sure how that works.

I actually got the numbers off but got the order of the first 4 republicans right. Bush is toast.

One has to remember that Santorum won Iowa last time, so while Cruz can brag now it is not over at all. It will be very interesting also to hear what the Republicans that made all that noise about putting Cruz down and supporting Trump will say now.

[Makes popcorn]

Huckabee is gone. It’s shocking. Rubio is one of the best orators I have ever heard. If he is the nominee of the G.O.P., the Democratic Party needs to watch out because it will not look good for them on Election Night in November. Period.

The Cancuck will have his punishment at the hands of the patriotic masses of New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Well at least until Rubio’s homosexuality is made known to the people.

Agreed. He is knocking this speech out of the park. I think this is the nominee.

Statistical margin of error. :smiley:

A bad night for the pollsters, eh?

Even the fabled Selzer …

D 90% reporting
Clinton 50%
Sanders 50%


Had to mute it myself…

Funny, I just listened to his speech and was thinking the exact opposite.

Come now. He throws red meat to the Republican base. If you aren’t already in the Republican camp, there’s nothing there for you.

I think Iowa is as big a curse as the Sports Illustrated cover. Cruz has a big night in the whitest most evangelical state in the country. Now he plays his first road game next week, if he wins that then we’ll talk about Cruz.

Huckabee finally figured out what the rest of us knew last spring. Ditto O’Malley. Time for Fiorina to pack it in.

Trump is apparently going to buy the farm in Iowa…

Unlikely and even more now. It is more likely that Cruz will perform better and the polls in other states have Cruz in second place under Trump, I still do think that the battle for delegates will be between those two with Rubio in third place.

90% in

Clinton 49.8%
Sanders 49.6%

I need to go to bed but I’m staying up. If Sanders gets 51% I will be a happy man tomorrow.

Has Polk County been counted yet? According to 538’s liveblogging, it’s one of Clinton’s most significant strongholds, and is counted fairly late in the game.

at 955 pm
Clinton --49.8
Sanders --49.6

Considering how little mainstream media support Sanders gets this is a pretty amazing result. Anyone want to speculate on the relative appeal of Sanders and Clinton in Iowa compared to other states?

Yep, I was frankly surprised at how well he did. It did look to me like he was having some problems with dry mouth by the end. I wonder if that is common for him.