It's Time Again for Stoid!

See, here’s delusional. You’re trying to argue that this board actually has sympathy for people who fuck up, and will put it over skepticism and facts. You think that a board whipping boy like Stoid has more defenders than detractors. I want to know what the fuck you’re smoking.

usedtobe has no fucking case. Even you are having to add shit that he didn’t even say to come up with reasons to be upset at Stoid, as his case is so fucking stupid.

And speaking of those reasons, did you even read the OP? He’s trying to argue that she’s a pet abuser and drug pusher. There’s your fucking hot button topics that the Dope goes nuts about. And you fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.

My mother is 77 and has a raft of real and imagined health issues. She’s also on pain meds and, according to my father, is at times taking more than her prescription allows for and lying about it.

So what’s the first thing my mother did when I got all sorts of pain prescriptions this year for my back issues?

Asked me if she could have any of them. :smack:

For the record, my answer was no.

If I am not mistaken, in one of her threads about her unfortunate attempt in appeals court, she linked to an online version of her plea, or something like that. I think it was redacted because it revealed her real name. So for once in her life, she came up with a useful cite.

As far as her drug distribution, I believe that too, but it is based on no more than “she sounds like someone who would do something like that” and that is based entirely on her posting history. IOW she sounds to me like someone who is, or has been, on a wide variety of psychoactive drugs.

Nor do I have much trouble believing that she comes across like that IRL. Thus if she showed up in the vet’s office saying “here is a whole batch of Google cites that say you should give me Valium. And it’s for the dog. Really!!” the vet would refuse to give her the drugs, and not necessarily out of a callous indifference to canine suffering.

I have no direct knowledge of any of this, and I could be wrong. I could also be a two-headed space alien posting from the planet Zirkon - how can you be sure?


Yeah, I don’t have a particularly strong opinion about most of this, but… no. Everyone does not do that. Everyone should stop doing that, if they are.

Odds? Getting a pet is not a random event. We knew our current dog was epileptic when we were considering rescuing her, and we decided that we were good potential owners for her because we’d had a lot of experience medicating our previous dog when she had heart and kidney problems.

Someone who has had multiple dogs with health problems has presumably sought them out. Maybe it’s an elaborate scheme of drug-seeking, or maybe it’s someone taking on pets that they think would otherwise be overlooked.

And again, my vet was quite clear to me that rectal valium is the standard of care for home treatment of status epilepticus (and I’ve done it, although it’s not always effective).

If you read the OP in the linked thread, you’ll see that the seizures just started recently so Stoid did not seek out the dog because of its affliction.

OTOH you are the board whipping girl

Without taking sides, I note that this Pitting— like other Stoid pittings— is kind of superfluous, being that she already gets thoroughly lambasted in every thread she starts.

This is no comment on Stoid’s situation, but we had/have two dogs with seizures. The first was a beagle with grand mal epilepsy. That was over 30 years ago.

One of our current rescued dachshunds has very occasional petit mal seizures.

So, while it’s not unusual, it’s not astronomically out of the realm of possibility.

usedtobe, what is it with you and shitting on people who have lost pets?? This is the second time I’ve seen you do it this week.

He isn’t shitting on them. When people are upset, one way to feel better is to do ass-to-mouth on an epileptic spaniel.

I read it on the Internet.


Well thank you for that mental image, sir.

2 posters 1 cup??

This is why everyone calls him Mr. Sunshine, half Mr. Rogers, half Hannibal Lecter.

You ought to know that a whipping boy is someone who gets blamed when others screw up. Someone who simply screws up a lot and is chided again and again for it is not a victim.

Yes, absolutely. Epilepsy in dogs is often genetic. It’s especially common in collies, labs & beagles - three of the most common dog breeds in America. If you have a mixed breed dogs, odds are good your dog has at least some of the genetic markers for epilepsy.

A person’s having two dogs who develop this, years apart, is not anything to raise eyebrows.

Shut up, Big Tard.

Is there still room on the bandwagon that seems to have started rolling and picking up speed here? Because I too think that while Stoid is certainly pittable on the basis of her profound, internet-derived certainties and the way she shares them, she dearly loves her dogs, was doing what (in her mind) was the best she possibly could to care for the one that died, and was telling the truth as she sees it in her description of events.

In other words - pit Stoid if you want, but this isn’t the way to go about it.

The winner of the Internet for December 4, 2015 is Bryan Ekers, ladies and gentlemen.

This seems familiar. Where have I seen it before?

Oh, now I remember.