Leaping into the MMP

Every time I see the title of this week’s MMP I think “careful there!”

Blurf. Off to work. After which I shall go to my mother’s house and take her car to fill it up with gas. She can do it but her hand tremor makes it difficult to clutch the spout shut. And Dad always used to do the fill ups anyway. I will also balance her checkbook and write some check payments out for her. If only it wasn’t her right hand that has tremors.

And speaking of tremors, my normal, non-gross out mom loves the Tremors movies. She has the DVD set of all four of them. Mom almost never watches horror films, as a nurse she saw enough gross stuff in real life. I think it’s Tremors odd blend of humor and scares that makes her like them.

I’m still missing the grocery store near my house that closed. Now I can’t just “pop out” for a few things, the next closest full service grocery is almost three miles away. I actually have to PLAN a grocery list, to make the trip worthwhile.:frowning:

Tonight my goal is to give the dog a bath. Poor Nathan, he looks so pitiful when her’s wet!:smiley:

Morning, mumpers! It is a soggy Toosday over here, been raining all night and still hasn’t given up, thus I was treated to a very soggy moggy jumping on my lap this morning demanding to be dried off and fussed. Naturally I had to oblige him…and share my breakfast with him too just to make up for the grotty weather.

Now I am at irk and irked since I have two meetings today, one about timetabling and the other is a staff devleopment review. I have to do SDRs for all my minions this week so I have next week to write them up. What fun. I suppose I’d better pull out the paperwork and have a look at it before my first meeting later today.

Spin class tonight, I hope it’s not the same instructor as last week who decided tabata spin would be fun. It was not.

I discovered that sleeping under the comforter is just too warm. I pushed it aside last night and had a more restful slumber, except for the part where I kept waking up…

SiriusXM still has its Billy Joel channel going so at the moment, I have Goodnight, Saigon stuck in my head. It’s weird - while I knew people who were in 'Nam, they never really talked about what they experienced. Still, that song really hits me. And the older I get, the less I see the point of war, not that I can really see a point in it anyway.

On that cheery note, Happy Tuesday!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up, caffeinated, brekkied, and purtified so no YAWN. Shortly I shall head over to what I call the north east forty for my irkday. Rah. I inherited these counties because they were bein’ underserved by the orifice that had them. I think that’s a compliment. Or not.

Alright I do need to get outta here shortly. Fun times ahead!

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. I’m off today, so I’m going to the laundromat.

"They heard the hum of the motors,
they counted the rotors,
and waited for us to arrive

And we would all go down together…"

Yeah, a memorable song, FCM, even though I never served there, it was, like you, part and parcel of my growing years. My favorite is Allentown, perhaps because I lived a fair part of my life in what is now charmingly called the “Rust Belt”.

Like Sari the March grocery shopping is done (perishables to be picked up during the month as needed), I actually Hoovered the house due to a termite inspector coming out for the annual looksee (I passed…no termites) so things looked semi-civilized.

Rain is forecast this afternoon, evening and tomorrow. It was 72F Monday, but due to be back around freezing by Tuesday night. Oh joy.


Sinuses running; and if that isn’t a band name it should be.

I asked my cousin and she said no…ya’ll need to talk to her or ya know, put a hit on her!

Are those the normal like potato pancake? I love those but the husband does not so I dont get to make them anymore!

When does “Happy” belong with any day? Of course unless its the day you win the lottery! :dubious:

Up and (semi) coherent, will have to log in irk from home shortly. Blurf.

Moooom I love Billy Joel, Goodnight Saigon is one of my faves. ( I also like Angel, Downeaster Alexa, Leningrad & She’s Always a Woman, Oh and Scenes from an Italian restaurant… oh, and Vienna Waits… Have I mentioned that I love Billy Joel?)

mmmm tater pancakes.

Wild blue yonder I have a recipe for potato pancakes that is so easy they can be made for just one person, if you like, I will post it!

Mooommm Now I shall have to listen to my Billy Joel albums. Good call.

Off to take kid 2 to school. Then probably a nap.

BLURF Howdy, at irk of course and looks like Murphy’s law is the rule of the day :smack::smack::smack::smack::smack::smack::smack::smack::smack::smack::smack:

I hope your day gets better. I had one like that on Friday. It felt like we were trapped in a bad sitcom.

I have lots of little errands to run today. Oldest son has a concert tonight and is performing with two different groups. This is the first semester he’ll be performing with Wind Symphony so I am looking forward to it.

**Blue **- I have no idea what you mean by “normal” potato pancakes, but these were pretty much just shredded potatoes dumped in pancake batter. Personally, I prefer my Aunt Ronnie’s recipe, that involved grating potatoes and onions and frying them up in lard. I feel my arteries harden with the memory!! :smiley:

Lunch break, and I need it. I learned this morning that a lot of my problems with drawings stem from not having been told a single, simple step or two when I was initially “trained”. Turns out I’ve been doing a lot of unnecessary work because of that. <headdesk>

Why isn’t it Firday yet??

Can’t speak for anyone else, but I would like, please!!!

Nothing that comes in a box is food, but these are pretty good.

Happy Toosday!

I overslept, which is okay on a Toosday but now I feel rushed. The poor dog got a bit of it too. Once again, I get up and here he comes expecting a treat. Then when I hold it out to him he eyes it suspiciously and backs up, I hold it closer and he backs up again - so finally I shoved it in his mouth.
Now I feel bad but why can’t he just act like a normal dog who takes your hand off instead of acting like I’m going to poison him?

Last night I got a call from my mortgage company saying I was eligible for a new program to lower my interest rate. I was irking so they are supposed to call today around noon. That also gave me a chance to call the mortgage company and make sure it isn’t a scam - it isn’t. However, I don’t trust anybody who calls me out of nowhere and offers me anything.

Maybe the dog takes after me?

Sad world we live in when you can’t trust anybody to be who they say they are.

I hope you feel better {{{Butters and Ruble}}}

Murphy was an optimist!
BTW, great read on the background & where it came from, especially if you have a conference call. You could probably even say it’s work related since it came from military testing.

What goes into certain pine boxes are worm food, & worms are fish food. May I suggest you try going into a pine box so you can help feed the fishes you like so much. Win-win! :cool:

Just got the job offer. Now I need to decide when I’m outta here and craft a letter of good-bye…
