I’m up and caffeinated, and nobody started one up yet.
I was juuust about to start one, good job I checked against first, saves the mods a job.
Today’s plan is painting the living room. It’s dingy and horrid and still has the unpleasant dirty magnolia it had when LL moved in, together with badly done repairs in white with cracked bits. LL keeps refusing to do anything about it 'cos he’s planning to knock part of one of the walls in to combine two small rooms into one nice sized one and doesn’t see the point in decorating a wall that’ll be knocked dowm. Fair enough, except this clearly isn’t going to happen for years and the rest of us don’t want another winter with a horrid living room, so we strong-armed him into agreeing to at least let us redecorate yesterday.
It is a nice place here, except the list of stuff that ‘will happen’ is growing, and very little actually gets done. Whenever you mention that something looks 'orrid, LL gives you this excited story of how it will look when he does all the awesome stuff he’s got planned, and in the meantime, the lick of paint or quick repair that could make it OK for the next year or so doesn’t get done. Maybe in twenty years it will be awesome, but I don’t plan on still being here then…
Oh well, he did buy me a very nice Sunday lunch yesterday in thanks for drivin’ him round, so I can’t complain too much
**Nut **- A running joke between my husband and me and also between his parents involved end tables. Many years ago, my FIL, who does amazing things with lumber in his workshop, was going to make end table for their living room. MIL finally gave up and bought some. Shortly after we got settled in here, **FCD **started making some end tables for us out of some beautiful cherry boards. He got the legs for 2 tables done. They’re still around somewhere. Meanwhile, one of my coworkers was selling 2 end tables and a coffee table, all for $150, so I snatched them up, and 6 years later, we’re still using them.
So, yeah, I know what you mean about the “will happen” list. In fact, that list also contains a special work table to go around my pottery wheel and a small utility table to use up a hunk of leftover granite from when the counters were replaced 2 years ago… Maybe it’s just a table thing??
It’s sooooooooooo quiet in here with the aquarium gone. Neither of us realized how much background noise it added with the gurgling and the humming and the whirring and all. I can’t wait to see our next electric bill - it should drop substantially without the pumps and fans and heaters and lights and whatever else needed to be plugged in.
Today, **FCD **will patch the holes in the walls, so we’ve got to get a small piece of sheetrock and a small container of touch-up paint - wonder if we can get a sample size instead of a full quart? Once the wall is fixed, I’ll steam-clean the carpet. Then tomorrow, we can move the piano to its new home. I’ll be able to make the green bedroom more accessible once the space is freed up.
And as it’s the final week before I leave, all the last-minute chores need to be done, including ensuring there’s food for my sweetie and that any random leftovers in the fridge are removed. He’ll forget about them and I don’t want to come home to science experiments.
Speaking of science experiments, today is my daughter’s first day of school. I hope she gets some better classes than she had last year, but they’re middle schoolers, so chances are, she’ll have another set of hormonally-engorged 7th graders. At least this year she’s a team lead, so she’ll be paid more. Wonder how long till she’s wishing for summer again? I swear, the teachers can be worse than the students…
Onward into the day! Happy Moanday!!
Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN 'Tis 72 Amurrkin out with a predicted high of 95 for the day. Tomorrow has a fifty percent chance of rain with a high of 92. We shall see. After that temps will be 98, 100, 101, and 102 over the next few days. August with a vengence! Factor in humidity and it’s gonna be hawt, hawt, hawt!
Nuts have fun paintin’. That’s one of those I should do things for da cave but I hate to paint. ICK!
MOOOOOOM y’all have fun. That’s quite a chore there as well. ICK!
Today I am makin’ a foray to the north forty first thing. Thus, I am slackin’ a bit as I plan on leavin’ from da cave and really don’t need to leave until eight or a little after as it’s closer to go there from da cave and by then, I hope, all the skool buses will have delivered the kidlets to their skools so they can get all edjookayted.
Now I need more caffiene and rumbly tummy is hongry. Then, alas and alack I suppose irk purtification must commence. Le sigh.
Happy Moanday Y’all!
Nut, the corporate landlord is re-siding the complex. I hope I’m working when they do my building(8 hours of ARFARFARFARFARF! from Gordie is too much to deal with)
As I was showering, FCD asked me to paint the basement bathroom once he finished de-constructing all the aquarium stuff. I need to cover the purple with white. Two coats? Three?? rah.
:scratch, scratch:
: puts The Cone of Shame[sup]TM[/sup] on Bbbobbio :
Monday flavored blurf
Probably going to call out sick today. Even if I had gotten any actual sleep, I wouldn’t be feeling good.
Sometime today the Neverending Blanket will have its final name change.
Until then I shall fritter away the last two days of my vacation. I forsee a lot of playing The Witcher 1 in my immediate future.
Now I’m waiting for Flytrap to fill it with water.
Blurf! It’s afternoon and I still has a blurf. Ophelia decided we did not need to sleep last night and instead we should have been awake and fussing her. Thus she was on and off the bed all night, demanding fuss and attention. Poor cat does not understand the concept of human sleep.
Busy time in the orifice too, we have our final figures for admissions and I’ll be getting 195 shiny new students in September so that will be something to look forward to
Do you think anyone would notice if I had a snooze now?
That is all.
Moanday. I confess I did pretty much nothing all weekend. Out to lunch Saturday (onion loaf, yum). Yesterday I went to the gym then spent the rest of the day watching TCM (Manhattan Melodrama, 80 years old and STILL good). The evening was spent watching old Project Runway episodes on the laptop. I don’t think I talked to anyone yesterday, and it was great!
This weekend I’d been doing a bunch of yardwork and came in to cool off. My eyes felt dry from the dusty work so I reached for my normal eyedrops but it was empty. There was another little squeezey medicine container there, although I couldn’t remember where it came from and it was poorly labeled. I went ahead and squeezed a drop in and… ouch! All stingey… no want! I put my glasses on and tried to read the tiny writing, no product name but it was from Bausch & Lomb and there’s an icon of… an ear. It’s infant ear drops, which must probably be at least a dozen years old. Dumb me, I put them back up in the medicine cabinet where they never should have exited in the first place. The sting didn’t last long and on the bright side now every time I blink I can hear the ocean. So there’s that.
Happy Moonday!
It’s a cool 71 degrees with a project high of 81.
We almost stayed one more day down the ocean, I wish we had.
I have to finish reading last weeks thread but YAY! for FCD getting third place.
Screw FIOS for taking the CLOO channel away. I have to call them to come out and fix my box. I cancelled it before because it started working again but now it is worse than ever.
<and the crowd goes wild!!!>
So, ready to start your next blanket??
So while I was on vacation the last few weeks I perused the Anne Arundel SPCA website as I am known to do on occasion and saw that a pair of older guinea pigs were still there since the last time I had looked. Indeed their online profile has said they were there since April of this year, and the were relatively old for piggies at 3 years 10 months (probably more like 4 years 2 months now).
Because I live in a very small cottage, and due to work constraints, I have been hesitant to adopt any pets for some time. But given the fact that these guys really couldn’t wait much longer, and that I had promised myself that when I began adopting pets again I would keep it to older pets who don’t usually get adopted. I did that for a cat many years ago and found the love and gratefulness I received from an older animal far outweighed the shorter time I had them.
So on Saturday morning I headed over to the shelter and picked them up. Their current names are Char and Crys, and I’ll probably keep them (unless some other names emerge from their personalities).
Here are the photos. This is just after I got them home. They now have a pile of hay, dry food and boxes to hide in. The lighter one is Char. He has wiry hair, which I have only felt on one other guinea pig. I have generally left them alone to acclimate to the new surroundings; I go in and talk to them several times a day and feed them but I won’t start holding them until later this week when they are more used to me.
I forgot how much noise they make at night.
Anyway that’s all I got. Late shift at work this week. Forgot how much I hate working late shift…