Lost 1.6 "House of the Rising Sun"

I made the mistake of reading epguides. In episode 9

The French woman in the transmission is found alive. (played by Mira “Delenn” Furlan even)

I thought his reaction was fantastic and then I loved him. :smiley:

So… what did Kate do? Are they going to tell us? I knew that chick could speak English; I think I said it back in the very first thread. And when Jack got real close to that body, I was all, “Dude, they’re already gone!” and I wanted him to rip off his surgical mask and scream, “LIVE, DAMN YOU!”

That would have been super. But he’s just a regular doctor, right? How’s he know one of them was female? He barely even looked at them, and he sure as hell didn’t measure anything. I half expected him to go down the list: “This one’s female, black, in her 30s. That one over there is male, white, and about 50. And that one right there is a dog, mixed but mostly pug, probably pretty cute when it wasn’t dead. And totally decomposed.”

Oh yeah, hello super-fake, ugly tattoo! I can’t wait to see Charlie freak out.

I really feel for Charlie. He’s gonna lose it next week. Will they get him through the withdrawal or find him a substitute?

The woman playing Sun is a fine actress and I liked getting more info on them. I wonder if Hubby will ever find out that she was going to dump him at the airport until the last minute, when she just couldn’t go through with it. Was her dad a ruthless businessman or into organized crime? Or maybe the two aren’t so different.

Now we just need the backstories on Sawyer, Hurley, and Sayid; and Walt and his dad.
And we still need more on Jack and Kate.

What about the wild critters? Polar bears and boars and whatnot, oh my.

They really need to scout this island more. They’ve only seen a small portion of it.

Is this exactly the same thing as a “cancelled after one season” series?

Wow. Best episode yet, in my opinion. Some things I liked:

-Exposition of Sun simultaneously with exposition of Jin-kills-people. She was revealed to be smart and tough, which needed revealing.

-The whole development of Sun and Jin was really nicely done. I’d thought it would be as boring as Kate in the Outback.

-Sawyer: “Captain Felafel.” Heh.

-Sun’s English-speaking reveal. We all knew it was coming but I still gasped out loud.

-Sawyer’s hair blowing in the wind. Mmmmmmmm.

Things I didn’t like:

-bee stings turning out to be a minor event. Seemed to me Charlie should have been pretty sick or dead after the number of stings he should have gotten.

(Does “Stop, Drop and Roll” work with bees?)

-the Rolex plotline. Jin stewed about the damn watch for days, then attacked to kill? Did he never think to, say, ask for the watch? Even Mirna could have pantomimed that. Sun totally wants Michael, by the way, which Jin totally senses with his spidey-sense, I still feel sure.

-Marginalization of nonspeaking castmembers. It’s been, what, 8 days and Jack is just now introducing himself to some people? I feel sorry for the people who are so incredibly uncool that, among only (what are we down to now?) 46 human beings, more than half of them don’t get to visit the caves OR sit around the campfire?

-Unclear exposition of the mummified bodies. Shy camera work, probably because the mummies looked fake and they were embarrassed. (The cameramen, not the mummies.) I need to know whether those bodies were laid out ceremonially, or if they appeared to have been killed, or dropped dead, or what.

-Mummified bodies, anyway. C’mon. Those skeltons would have been picked clean by insects, rodents, and bacteria on that island. And don’t tell me there’s no insects on Enchanted Island, because there’s bees, and there’s sand fleas, and we’ve also heard birds, so there’s small animals at least.

-Hobbit playing guitar in exact sync with Comic Book Guy’s earphone soundtrack. Not buying it, however it was meant. In fact, that trick of walkman-soundtrack at the end of the episode needed to be done only once, and they already did it.

-Mercutio striking the plane with the axe. Not because it scared Jin, but because you need that axe sharp, nitwit! Of course, that’s just further development of Mercutio – he really is a nitwit, bless-his-heart.
Things that confused me:

-the fake decorator lady asking “have you learned your lessons?” Huh? Was she assigned to read Chapters 1 thru 5 of “How to Run Away From Your Husband And Father And Make Them Think You’re Dead”?

(The black and white stones on the corpses evoked Locke’s backgammon pieces which he showed to the boy, if anyone missed that scene in the earlier episode. But they weren’t actually backgammon pieces, were they?)

Can’t wait to see Hobbit freak out next episode.

She has recently learned English, in preparation for her new life in Australia.

Ahhh. Thank you.

When she and Jack were talking on the beach - the scene where he asked her how she got that way - I could have sworn she said “I don’t want to get eaten.” I figured it was a reference to either the bear or to whatever she saw in Walkabout.
I think Sun wanted to get away from her father and his business more than she wanted to get away from Jin. It’s just that Jin got sucked in to whatever that business is. Well, she and he are both well away now … which adds more support to it being the island where dreams come true, much as I hate to admit it. I really don’t like that theory because it feels too easy.

When Jin first attacked Michael I figured it was because he was jealous/overprotective. I noticed that Jin said something about a thief to Sun but thought he was talking about the water.

Add me to the list of people to whom this thought occurred. Sure a lot easier to keep two people supplied with water than forty.

I was waiting for Doc and Miz Lingerie to examine the bodies a little more closely to verify that the style of the clothing was appropriately dated or perhaps go through their pockets and maybe come up with a wallet and a dated driver’s license. Certainly be weird if everything about the bodies says 2004 but they’re still decades old.

I agree with masonite that the song/montage ending is so over. It’s too slick and easy, and is becoming a crutch for not this show but lots of other ones.

I’m also less interested in Jin’s character now. The angry Asian guy turns out to be in organized crime? Sure, whatever. But he’s sensitive! Look at the flower. :rolleyes: Sun, on the other hand, is suddenly a very interesting character.

And Locke will definitely become the Prophet, the Shaman, whatever you want to call him. (I wonder if Charlie will think about the fact that Locke knew where the guitar was and pulled a manipulative mindfuck to get his drugs away. Neat dramatic moment in the show, but in retrospect it’s kind of a smug, superior, assholish thing to do. Based on the preview, it seems likely that Charlie will be having these thoughts.)

Oh, and apropos of nothing, was that Buffy’s mom in the Advil commercial?

Masonite-- Likewise thank you for the backgammon angle, which I had totally forgotten. Black vs. white.

Nah, she was parroting Sawyer: “I don’t want to dig in.”

Anyway, this episode really underlined the significance of the series’ title for me. They were all profoundly lost before they boarded the plane. Nice.

You know when Charlie made some comment about Jack’s tattoos? Kate said “ask him about his tattoos” and Charlie said something like “oh great now you two have an inside joke.” Was I the only one who found it funny cause of Dom Monaghan’s LOTR tattoo? Seemed like a funny reference to it for the fans. Anyone else catch this?

Huh? Well, I just read it as Charlie feeling a little peeved that cliques are forming and that he’s not in one of them.

I liked this episode. :slight_smile:

Also what kind of bees were those? I’ve never heard of a brittle clay nest like that.

Wouldn’t it be wild if i turned out that Kate was a maneater?

A cannibal, I mean. Even if it was only one incidence, the thing that she was wanted for. Maybe she was in a horrible predicament and had to eat her dead companions to survive the harsh winter…!! WENDIGO!!!

Ok, this is the week my DVR decided not to record Lost, despite the fact that it’s recorded fine for the last 3 weeks and is still set to record next week as well.

Where on line can I find a detailed description of last night’s show? (I’m aware that it’s probably been linked in past threads, but please don’t make me search…pleeeease)

I think kate staying with the beach crowd is another instance of her trying to run away again. It’s the first opportinuty she has had to separate herself with someone she has grown close to, and she took it.

In the small hope that someone associated with the production of this show is listening.

Would you please STOP SHAKING THE CAMERA!?
It does not accent the tension in the scene. In fact on a big-screen high-def screen the only accent it adds is distraction and nausea.

When Jin and sun had their dramatric bathroom face slapping scene I was taken totally out of the moment of the plot by the distraction caused by the camera shake.

It does not build tension.
It does not add effect.

It only injects a cheap sophomoric distraction to the plot. Its like playing jaws music while the Charlie is spearfishing.

Its a cheap useless effect. Cut it out!

Another great episode!

  • Sun & Jin’s story was very well done.

  • What the hell did Jack & Kate do? Please, don’t make us wait much longer!

  • If you are moving into the caves, it’s time to scout the perimeter of the island. Now!

  • Can’t wait to see Charlie’s backstory next week!

  • Why was the father’s watch on the island? Did he die? Did she steal it?

  • The actress who plays Kate is such a cutie. Talk about a “fresh face” in Hollywood. This was her first role EVER!

  • I was unclear on the guitar. Did Charlie say he didn’t get it on board or that he was forced to check it in the baggage? My son was talking to me and I didn’t hear what he said. Locke’s speech about wish fulfillment could be taken figuratively or literally otherwise.

  • Locke’s analysis of Charlie’s musical career was HILARIOUS. Every line he speaks has me on the edge of my chair. There seem to be no throw away lines. He is FAR AND AWAY the most interesting character on the show. Is it just me or did Terry O’Quinn walk into the role of a lifetime? If there is any justice in television (there isn’t), O’Quinn will waltz to the Best Supporting Actor Emmy.

  • I am surprised there was not a discussion of the negative implications of moving into the jungle that houses a giant, tree crushing monster. Jack and the leaders have not told the others everything they know. That seems like less than informed leadership. If people die as a result will Jack “have what it takes?”

  • Anyone else looking forward to an episode without a flashback? I love the backstories, and understand their importance to continuing the longevity of the show, but I want more interaction and less solo story.

  • I am still thinking there is a chance that they are in some type of purgatory: Jack leading one group to Heaven, Sawyer leading another group to hell. I think there is a good chance, if this is the case, that Hurley is God.

Naw, they’re waiting until later to reveal that they’ve found Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan.

Yup. And Gunn was on CSI:Miami as a DA.

I actually like them keeping the masses anonymous. If they later decide to bring in new characters, they can just pluck them from the crowd rather than a contrived way of bringing them in.

I saw the black and white stones as a sort of lottery - a bunch of white stones and one black one, and whoever picks the black one has to die. (Or do something dangerous, or whatever)

And possibly, the woman in the transmission’s reference to the “rocher noir” was actually “la roche noire”, the black stone? There’s a lot more to this stone thing, I’m sure of it.

When did the Sayid/Jack/Kate thing get all triangular? I hadn’t noticed her paying any sort of attention to Sayid. She seems to want Jack to notice her, though, with her “are you checking me out” line on their way back to the beach.

I think you are on to something! Kind of like drawing lots. Interesting!